This module implements a power usage sensor based on the Emporia Vue Gen2 device.
class RecordScale(Enum)
Task priority levels.
class CacheEntry()
Represent a cached information for a particular scale.
The cached information is considered expired when the scale time unit has rolled over. For instance, a RecordScale.SECOND.value cache entry expires on each second, a RecordScale.MINUTE cache entry expires on each new minute ...
def value() -> dict
Return the current cache entry stored value.
def has_expired() -> bool
Return True if the entry value has expired.
class PowerSensor(Sensor)
This Sensor class implementation provides power consumption readings.
def read(**kwargs: dict) -> dict
Return an instant record from the sensor.
The optional SCALE RecordScale parameter indicates which time unit resolution should be used. RecordScale.MINUTE is used by default.
The optional TIME parameter indicates the instant the power record should be from.