This documentation is for developers interested in using this PHP client to integrate their government service with GOV.UK Notify.
The Notify PHP Client can be installed with Composer. Run this command:
composer require php-http/guzzle6-adapter alphagov/notifications-php-client
The Notify PHP Client is based on a PSR-7 HTTP model. You therefore need to pick your preferred HTTP Client library to use.
We will show examples here using the Guzzle v6 Adapter.
Setup instructions are also available for Curl and Guzzle v5.
Assuming you’ve installed the package via Composer, the Notify PHP Client will be available via the autoloader.
Create a (Guzzle v6 based) instance of the Client using:
$notifyClient = new \Alphagov\Notifications\Client([
'apiKey' => '{your api key}',
'httpClient' => new \Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client
Generate an API key by logging in to GOV.UK Notify and going to the API integration page.
Click here to expand for more information.
The method signature is:
sendSms( $phoneNumber, $templateId, array $personalisation = array(), $reference = '' )
An example request would look like:
try {
$response = $notifyClient->sendSms( '+447777111222', 'df10a23e-2c6d-4ea5-87fb-82e520cbf93a', [
'name' => 'Betty Smith',
'dob' => '12 July 1968'
} catch (NotifyException $e){}
If the request is successful, response
will be an array
Click here to expand for more information.
"id" => "bfb50d92-100d-4b8b-b559-14fa3b091cda",
"reference" => None,
"content" => [
"body" => "Some words",
"from_number" => "40604"
"uri" => "https =>//",
"template" => [
"id" => "ceb50d92-100d-4b8b-b559-14fa3b091cda",
"version" => 1,
"uri" => ""
Otherwise the client will raise a Alphagov\Notifications\Exception\NotifyException
error["status_code"] |
error["message"] |
429 |
[{ "error": "RateLimitError", "message": "Exceeded rate limit for key type TEAM of 10 requests per 10 seconds" }] |
429 |
[{ "error": "TooManyRequestsError", "message": "Exceeded send limits (50) for today" }] |
400 |
[{ "error": "BadRequestError", "message": "Can"t send to this recipient using a team-only API key" ]} |
400 |
[{ "error": "BadRequestError", "message": "Can"t send to this recipient when service is in trial mode - see" }] |
Click here to expand for more information.
Click here to expand for more information.
The method signature is:
sendEmail( $emailAddress, $templateId, array $personalisation = array(), $reference = '' )
An example request would look like:
try {
$response = $notifyClient->sendEmail( '', 'df10a23e-2c0d-4ea5-87fb-82e520cbf93c', [
'name' => 'Betty Smith',
'dob' => '12 July 1968'
} catch (NotifyException $e){}
If the request is successful, response
will be an array
Click here to expand for more information.
"id" => "bfb50d92-100d-4b8b-b559-14fa3b091cda",
"reference" => None,
"content" => [
"subject" => "Licence renewal",
"body" => "Dear Bill, your licence is due for renewal on 3 January 2016.",
"from_email" => ""
"uri" => "",
"template" => [
"id" => "ceb50d92-100d-4b8b-b559-14fa3b091cda",
"version" => 1,
"uri" => ""
Otherwise the client will raise a Alphagov\Notifications\Exception\NotifyException
error["status_code"] |
error["message"] |
429 |
[{ "error": "RateLimitError", "message": "Exceeded rate limit for key type TEAM of 10 requests per 10 seconds" }] |
429 |
[{ "error": "TooManyRequestsError", "message": "Exceeded send limits (50) for today" }] |
400 |
[{ "error": "BadRequestError", "message": "Can"t send to this recipient using a team-only API key" ]} |
400 |
[{ "error": "BadRequestError", "message": "Can"t send to this recipient when service is in trial mode - see" }] |
Click here to expand for more information.
Find by clicking API info for the template you want to send.
If a template has placeholders you need to provide their values. For example:
personalisation = [
'name' => 'Betty Smith',
'dob' => '12 July 1968'
Otherwise the parameter can be omitted.
An optional identifier you generate if you don’t want to use Notify’s id
. It can be used to identify a single notification or a batch of notifications.
Optional. Specifies the identifier of the email reply-to address to set for the notification. The identifiers are found in your service Settings, when you 'Manage' your 'Email reply to addresses'.
If you omit this argument your default email reply-to address will be set for the notification.
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Click here to expand for more information.
Click here to expand for more information.
Click here to expand for more information.
The method signature is:
getNotification( $notificationId )
An example request would look like:
try {
$response = $notifyClient->getNotification( 'c32e9c89-a423-42d2-85b7-a21cd4486a2a' );
} catch (NotifyException $e){}
If the request is successful, response
will be an array
Click here to expand for more information.
"id" => "notify_id",
"body" => "Hello Foo",
"subject" => "null|email_subject",
"reference" => "client reference",
"email_address" => "email address",
"phone_number" => "phone number",
"line_1" => "full name of a person or company",
"line_2" => "123 The Street",
"line_3" => "Some Area",
"line_4" => "Some Town",
"line_5" => "Some county",
"line_6" => "Something else",
"postcode" => "postcode",
"type" => "sms|letter|email",
"status" => "current status",
"template" => [
"version" => 1,
"id" => 1,
"uri" => "/template/{id}/{version}"
"created_at" => "created at",
"sent_at" => "sent to provider at",
Otherwise the client will raise a Alphagov\Notifications\Exception\NotifyException
error["status_code"] |
error["message"] |
404 |
[{ "error": "NoResultFound", "message": "No result found" }] |
400 |
[{ "error": "ValidationError", "message": "id is not a valid UUID" }] |
Click here to expand for more information.
Click here to expand for more information.
The method signature is:
listNotifications( array $filters = array() )
An example request would look like:
$response = $notifyClient->listNotifications([
'older_than' => 'c32e9c89-a423-42d2-85b7-a21cd4486a2a',
'reference' => 'weekly-reminders',
'status' => 'delivered',
'template_type' => 'sms'
If the request is successful, response
will be an array
Click here to expand for more information.
"id" => "notify_id",
"reference" => "client reference",
"email_address" => "email address",
"phone_number" => "phone number",
"line_1" => "full name of a person or company",
"line_2" => "123 The Street",
"line_3" => "Some Area",
"line_4" => "Some Town",
"line_5" => "Some county",
"line_6" => "Something else",
"postcode" => "postcode",
"type" => "sms | letter | email",
"status" => sending | delivered | permanent-failure | temporary-failure | technical-failure
"template" => [
"version" => 1,
"id" => 1,
"uri" => "/template/{id}/{version}"
"created_at" => "created at",
"sent_at" => "sent to provider at",
"links" => [
"current" => "/notifications?template_type=sms&status=delivered",
"next" => "/notifications?other_than=last_id_in_list&template_type=sms&status=delivered"
Otherwise the client will raise a Alphagov\Notifications\Exception\NotifyException
error["status_code"] |
error["message"] |
400 |
[{ "error": "ValidationError", "message": "bad status is not one of [created, sending, delivered, pending, failed, technical-failure, temporary-failure, permanent-failure]" }] |
400 |
[{ "error": "Apple is not one of [sms, email, letter]" }] |
Click here to expand for more information.
If omitted all messages are returned. Otherwise you can filter to retrieve all notifications older than the given notification id
If omitted all messages are returned. Otherwise you can filter by:
If omitted all messages are returned. Otherwise you can filter by:
- the message is queued to be sent by the provider.delivered
- the message was successfully delivered.failed
- this will return all failure statusespermanent-failure
- the provider was unable to deliver message, email or phone number does not exist; remove this recipient from your list.temporary-failure
- the provider was unable to deliver message, email box was full or the phone was turned off; you can try to send the message again.technical-failure
- Notify had a technical failure; you can try to send the message again.
This is the reference
you gave at the time of sending the notification. This can be omitted to ignore the filter.
Click here to expand for more information.
$response = $notifyClient->getTemplate( 'c32e9c89-a423-42d2-85b7-a21cd4486a2a' );
If the request is successful, response
will be an array
Click here to expand for more information.
"id" => "template_id",
"type" => "sms|email|letter",
"created_at" => "created at",
"updated_at" => "updated at",
"version" => "version",
"created_by" => "",
"body" => "body",
"subject" => "null|email_subject"
error["status_code"] |
error["errors"] |
404 |
[{ "error" => "NoResultFound", "message" => "No result found" }] |
Click here to expand for more information.
Find by clicking API info for the template you want to send.
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Click here to expand for more information.
Click here to expand for more information.
Click here to expand for more information.
Click here to expand for more information.
Click here to expand for more information.
Click here to expand for more information.
Click here to expand for more information.
Click here to expand for more information.