On an Ubuntu installation this module is run by an Apache2 web server using WSGI. So, to managed it uses the apache's systemctl commands.
# systemctl status apache2 ## get status
# systemctl stop apache2 ## stop the service
# systemctl start apache2 ## start the service
# systemctl restart apache2 ## restart the service
Use the commands below to manage this module.
# systemctl status vines-ems-fault-monitor ## get status
# systemctl stop vines-ems-fault-monitor ## stop the service
# systemctl start vines-ems-fault-monitor ## start the service
# systemctl restart vines-ems-fault-monitor ## restart the service
Use the commands below to manage this module.
# systemctl status vines-ems-perf-monitor ## get status
# systemctl stop vines-ems-perf-monitor ## stop the service
# systemctl start vines-ems-perf-monitor ## start the service
# systemctl restart vines-ems-perf-monitor ## restart the service
Since this module is run by an Apache2 web server using WSGI, the logs are recorded in the Apache2 log files.
Run the command below to monitor the access.
# tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log
Run the command below to monitor errors.
# tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log
Use the command below to monitor this module.
# tail -f /etc/cloudstack-vines-ems/fault-monitor.log
Use the command below to monitor this module.
# tail -f /etc/cloudstack-vines-ems/perf-monitor.log