✔️ Create your own class "writer" for writing according to your preferences (see example);
✔️ Create your own "formatter" for data output;
✔️ Carticipate in the development of the library;
✔️ Contact me for constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement;
#include "../include/Logging.h"
#include "TxtWriter.h"
#include "TxtFormatter.h"
int main()
TxtWriter<TxtFormatter> writer("LoggerTest.txt");
logf_e("Error message with arg: Num=%d, Str=%s", 1, "Error message");
logf_w("Warning message with arg : Num=%d, Str=%s", 2, "Warning message");
logf_i("Info message with arg : Num=%d, Str=%s", 3, "Info message");
logf_d("Debug message with arg : Num=%d, Str=%s", 4, "Debug message");
log_e("Error message without args.");
log_w("Warning message without args.");
log_i("Info message without args.");
log_d("Debug message without args.");
return 0;