🏨 Hotel Haven
Hotel Haven is a sleek, responsive hotel booking platform designed to simplify the process of finding and reserving rooms. Built with React and Tailwind CSS, it offers an intuitive user interface and seamless navigation. This project emphasizes performance, scalability, and user experience.
- 🏨 Hotel Heaven
- About The Project
- Table of Contents
- Demo
- Features
- Technologies Used
- Installation
- Usage
- Project Structure
- Built with:
- Components Overview:
- Team members:
- Acknowledgements
🎥 Click the image to watch the demo
🌐 Live Project: (https://hotel-of4p.onrender.com/)
🛏️ Room Listing: Browse available rooms and filter the rooms based on their price,size,number of guest and pets .
🧭 Intuitive Navigation: Easy-to-use routing and layout for effortless browsing.
♻️ Reusable Components: Modular design with reusable UI elements.
🌍 Global State Management: Managed via Context API to ensure smooth data flow.
- ⚛️ React
- 🌐 React Router
- 📦 Context API
- 🎨 CSS
- 🛠️ Node.js
- 📦 npm
- 🗂️ Git & GitHub
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ktabassum1809/hotel.git
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the Project:
npm run dev
Once the project is running:
- 🎯 Visit http://localhost:3000 to access the application.
├── public/
│ ├── index.html
│ └── ...
├── src/
│ ├── components/
│ │ ├── About/
│ │ ├── Rooms/
│ │ ├── Booking/
│ │ ├── Login/
│ │ ├── Context/
│ │ ├── Header/
│ │ ├── Footer/
│ │ ├── HeroSection/
│ │ └── Layout/
│ ├── assets/
│ ├── App.js
│ ├── index.js
│ └── ...
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
├── README.md
└── ...
- ⚛️ React - JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- 🌐 React Router - Client-side routing.
- 🖌️ styled-components - CSS in JavaScript for component-based styling.
- 🌍 Context API - For managing global state.
- 📝 About: Project overview and company mission.
- 🏨 Rooms: List of available rooms.
- 🌍 Context (GlobalContext.js): Manages global state.
- 🧭 Header & Footer: Persistent navigation.
- 🎯 HeroSection: Highlights promotions.
- 🗂️ Layout: Consistent page structure.
- 🎨 CSS for styling.
- 🖌️ styled-components for flexible styling.
- ⚛️ React Documentation for development guidance.
- 🛠️ Vite for fast development and build processes.