A handy PHP class to integrate WordPress Theme Customizer.
composer require kunoichi/theme-customizer
In your theme's functions.php
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
This library is an abstract class, so you have to implement it.
namespace YourNameSpace\Customizer;
use Kunoichi\ThemeCustomizer\CustomizerSetting;
class YourClass extends CustomizerSetting {
protected $section_id = 'your_custom_setting';
* Override this function to register a new section.
protected function section_setting() {
return [
'title' => __( 'My Theme Setting', 'domain' ),
'priority' => 100,
* Return associative array for each fields.
* @return array
protected function get_fields(): array {
return [
'yoru_serrint_id' => [
'label' => __( 'Ad after title', 'domain' ),
'stored' => 'option', // 'option' or 'theme_mod'(default)
'type' => 'textarea' // Type of UI.
And you can call them in your theme's functions.php
Or, simply scan directory for convenience. Let's suppose that your theme is my-theme
and directory is PSR-0 ready like below:
└ MyBrand
└ MyTheme
└ Customizers
├ ColorSetting
└ AdSetting
You should call like this:
Kunoichi\ThemeCustomizer::register( 'YourBrand\YourTheme\Customizers' );
Your PSR-0 name space. Directory will be scan recursively.
If not set, default is get_template_directory() . '/src
, which seem to be a common location in theme development.
Some customizers are predefined for convenience.
See src/Kunoichi\ThemeCustomizer\Pattern
adds HTML meta information like meta-description, OGP, etc.
This customizer is userful to provide basic SEO features. For more advanced features, you should recommmend some plugins.
- Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager scirpt.
- Default and Site top OGP image.
- Top page description.
- Option to stop all feature(in plugins' favor).
adds share buttons for SNS. The only codes you should implement:
- Write code to display share buttons via
Kunoichi\ThemeCutomizer\Pattern\Share::render( $position )
Available services are listed in src/Kunoithi/ThemeCustomizer/Models/Brand
wp-env is supported for instant development. You need node, npm, and docker installed.
# Install libraries.
npm install
# Start Container
npm start
# wp-env commands are available via npm.
npm run env stop
GPL 3.0 or later.