Releases: lassekongo83/adw-gtk3
adw-gtk3 v4.6
Full Changelog: v4.5...v4.6
adw-gtk3 v4.5
Full Changelog: v4.4...v4.5
This release includes the libadwaita 1.3 gtk4 theme for gtk4 apps that don't use libadwaita. The gtk4 theme is not supported in adw-gtk3's issue tracker. It's just there to make sure mutter 44 title bars are consistent. It's provided as is. The readable source is located at:
If you've followed this guide: - then you no longer need that version of the theme.
If you install the theme from the main branch, then it's recommended to reconfigure the build folder, or remove it and then create it again.
adw-gtk3 v4.4
Full Changelog: v4.3...v4.4
adw-gtk3 v4.3
Commits since 4.2: v4.2...v4.3
adw-gtk3 v4.2
Commits since 4.1: v4.1...v4.2
adw-gtk3 v4.1
Commits since 4.0: v4.0...v4.1
adw-gtk3 v4.0
Commits since v3.7: v3.7...v4.0
This new release brings the theme closer to libadwaita 1.2. The new tab style is only visible on a few selected apps (more apps may be styled later) due to the likelihood of breakage if applied globally. Currently nautilus, gedit, and all libhandy apps that use hdy tabbar will use the new tab style.
Visual inconsistencies will occur if you use this version when libadwaita 1.2 is not available in your distro's repository.
adw-gtk3 v3.7
Commits since v3.6: v3.6...v3.7
adw-gtk3 v3.6
Commits since v3.5: v3.5...v3.6
adw-gtk3 v3.5
Commits since v3.4: v3.4...v3.5