Lexibank is a collection of lexical datasets provided in CLDF formats. These CLDF datasets were compiled with the help of the pylexibank
package, which is an extension for the CLDFBench package for handling CLDF datasets. Since data in the lexibank collection is maximally integrated with cross-linguistic resources that have been compiled during the past years, it is possible to make active use of the data to compute many features (lexical and phonological) automatically. In the following, we will describe the major workflow.
The lexibank collection consists of mainly two types of datasets:
- CLDF datasets linked to Concepticon and Glottolog with consistent lexeme forms which have a
sufficient size in terms of concepts covered. This collection is called
collection, since it fulfills the criteria to be included in the CLICS database. The collection can be used to compute various lexical features for individual language varieties. - CLDF datasets linked to Concepticon and Glottolog with lexeme forms which are transcribed in the BIPA
transcription system proposed by the CLTS project. This collection, which may
overlap with the
collection, is calledLexiCore
and can be used to compute various phonological features for language varieties.
The decision about which datasets are assigned to which collection is currently carried out by the board of lexibank editors, who estimate how well each of the datasets qualifies for the inclusion in either or both collections. The decisions are available in the form of a spreadsheet, shared along with this repository (see etc/lexibank.tsv).
The authoritative spreadsheet itself is curated on the nextcloud server of MPI-EVA. For now, however, we experience problems with the nextcloud server and therefore edit the spreadsheet on GoogleSheets.
This repository contains a cldfbench
package, bundling
- code
- to download the lexibank dataset,
- to compute phonological and lexical features from this data and
- The computed structural data in three CLDF StructureDatasets.
The workflow consists of a sequence of calls to cldfbench
which in turn call the code described above.
Install the package (including Dependencies)
$ git clone https://github.com/lexibank/lexibank-analysed $ cd lexibank-analysed $ pip install -e .
Install cltoolkit
$ git clone https://github.com/cldf/cltoolkit.git $ cd cltoolkit $ python setup.py install
Clone the repositories from:
Download the data collections
The data collections will be downloaded by reading the most recent selection of lexibank datasets from the file
and then downloading the relevant datasets to a folder which you specify with the kewyorddestination
. We will call the folderdatasets
in the following.$ cldfbench download lexibank_lexibank_analysed.py
Compute phonological and lexical features and phoneme inventories
The analysis results of
are stored in three CLDF StructureDatasets.- Phonological features (inspired by those features typically listed in datasets like the
World Atlast of Language Structures are computed with the help of the phonological feature inference methods provided by the cltoolkits package, which offers facilitated (high-level) access to CLDF datasets (specifically lexical datasets). Having downloaded the data packages, you can run the following code to compute the current 18 phonological features from the
data. Since the target of phonological features islexicore
data (data defined in thelexicore
collection of lexibank), the command will create a file calledlexicore.json
, in which the major information on phonological features is stored. - Lexical features (dedicated colexifications and partial colexifications) are computed as well.
- Phoneme inventories including frequencies are derived.
These datasets are created running
$ cldfbench lexibank.makecldf lexibank_lexibank_analysed.py --glottolog path_to_glottolog --concepticon path_to_concepticon --clts path_to_clts
with the paths to Glottolog (
), Concepticon (path_to_concepticon
) and CLTS (path_to_clts
) pointing to the corresponding repositories from Step 1. - Phonological features (inspired by those features typically listed in datasets like the
World Atlast of Language Structures are computed with the help of the phonological feature inference methods provided by the cltoolkits package, which offers facilitated (high-level) access to CLDF datasets (specifically lexical datasets). Having downloaded the data packages, you can run the following code to compute the current 18 phonological features from the
Make sure valid CLDF data has been created:
In addition to feature data, the CLDF data also contains
- provenance information, linking each doculect to the dataset from which it was extracted
- summary statistics about the collections into which we bundle the datasets.
This data is contained in the tables contributions.csv and collections.csv. We can look at the numbers of unique Glottocodes or Concepts and the number of individual forms in each collection:
$ csvcut -c ID,Glottocodes,Concepts,Forms cldf/collections.csv | csvformat -T
ID Glottocodes Concepts Forms
LexiCore 1836 3050 958870
ClicsCore 1091 3032 1489863
CogCore 738 1670 192353
ProtoCore 18 951 8750
Lexibank 2086 3110 1830056
or list how many source datasets are aggregated in each of these collections:
$ csvgrep -c Collection_IDs -m Lexi cldf/contributions.csv | csvstat --count
Row count: 92
also lists numbers of doculects and senses. Datasets with a low ratio between
and Doculects
, i.e. with many doculects mapped to the same glottocode, are typical
dialectal collections. We can check this ratio running
$ csvsql --query "select id, name, cast(glottocodes as float) / cast(doculects as float) as ratio from contributions order by ratio limit 1" \
cals,"CLDF dataset derived from Mennecier et al.'s ""Central Asian Language Survey"" from 2016",0.06818181818181818
To check for available features, you can inspect the CLDF ParameterTable of the respective CLDF datasets:
$ csvcut -c ID,Name cldf/phonology-features.csv | column -n -s"," -t
ID Name
concepts Number of concepts
forms Number of forms
forms_with_sounds Number of BIPA conforming forms
senses Number of senses
ConsonantQualitySize consonant quality size
VowelQualitySize vowel quality size
VowelSize vowel size
ConsonantSize consonant size
CVRatio consonant and vowel ratio
CVQualityRatio consonant and vowel ratio (by quality)
CVSoundRatio consonant and vowel ratio (including diphthongs and clusters)
HasNasalVowels has nasal vowels or not
HasRoundedVowels has rounded vowels or not
VelarNasal has the velar nasal (engma)
PlosiveVoicingGaps voicing and gaps in plosives
LacksCommonConsonants gaps in plosives
HasUncommonConsonants has uncommon consonants
PlosiveFricativeVoicing voicing in plosives and fricatives
UvularConsonants presence of uvular consonants
GlottalizedConsonants presence of glottalized consonants
HasLaterals presence of lateral consonants
SyllableStructure complexity of the syllable structure
FirstPersonWithM fist person starts with an m-sound
FirstPersonWithN fist person starts with an n-sound
SecondPersonWithT second person starts with a t-sound
SecondPersonWithM second person starts with an m-sound
SecondPersonWithN second person starts with an n-sound
MotherWithM mother starts with m-sound
WindWithF wind starts with f-sound
HasPrenasalizedConsonants inventory has pre-nasalized consonants
HasLabiodentalFricatives inventory has labio-dental fricatives or affricates
FatherWithP father starts with p-sound
SyllableOnset complexity of the syllable onset
SyllableOffset complexity of the syllable offset
$ csvcut -c ID,Name cldf/lexicon-features.csv | column -n -s"," -t
ID Name
concepts Number of concepts
forms Number of forms
senses Number of senses
LegAndFoot has the same word form for foot and leg
ArmAndHand arm and hand distinguished or not
BarkAndSkin bark and skin distinguished or not
FingerAndHand finger andhand distinguished or not
GreenAndBlue green and blue colexified or not
RedAndYellow red and yellow colexified or not
ToeAndFoot toe and foot colexified or not
SeeAndKnow see and know colexified or not
SeeAndUnderstand see and understand colexified or not
ElbowAndKnee elbow and knee colexified or not
FearAndSurprise fear and surprise colexified or not
CommonSubstringInElbowAndKnee elbow and knee are partially colexified or not
CommonSubstringInManAndWoman man and woman are partially colexified or not
CommonSubstringInFearAndSurprise fear and surprise are partially colexified or not
CommonSubstringInBoyAndGirl boy and girl are partially colexified or not
EyeInTear eye partially colexified in tear
BowInElbow bow partially colexified in elbow
CornerInElbow corner partially colexified in elbow
WaterInTear water partially colexified in tear
TreeInBark tree partially colexified in bark
SkinInBark skin partially colexified in bark
MouthInLip mouth partially colexified in lip
SkinInLip skin partially colexified in lip
HandInFinger hand partially colexified in finger
FootInToe foot partially colexified in toe
ThreeInEight three partially colexified in eight
ThreeInThirteen three partially colexified in thirteen
FingerAndToe finger and toe colexified or not
HairAndFeather hair and feather colexified or not
HearAndSmell hear and smell colexified or not
You can also easily inspect the data for outliers:
$ csvgrep -c Parameter_ID -m ConsonantQualitySize cldf/phonology-values.csv | csvstat -c Value
4. "Value"
Type of data: Number
Contains null values: False
Unique values: 58
Smallest value: 7
Largest value: 107
Sum: 69.180
Mean: 23,724
Median: 23
StDev: 8,345
Most common values: 23 (208x)
22 (192x)
21 (185x)
20 (161x)
24 (149x)
Row count: 2916
$ csvgrep -c Parameter_ID -m ConsonantQualitySize cldf/phonology-values.csv | csvgrep -c Value -r"^(7|98)$" | csvcut -c Language_ID,Value
And we can correlate our computed features with the corresponding data from other datasets, such as WALS and PHOIBLE (as implemented in correlations.py):
cldfbench lexibank-analysed.correlations
Feature | WALS/LexiCore | WALS/PHOIBLE | LexiCore/PHOIBLE | N |
1A | 0.66 / 0.00 | 0.92 / 0.00 | 0.70 / 0.00 | 233 |
2A | 0.51 / 0.00 | 0.66 / 0.00 | 0.68 / 0.00 | 235 |
3A | 0.55 / 0.00 | 0.76 / 0.00 | 0.68 / 0.00 | 235 |
4A | 0.54 / 0.00 | 0.69 / 0.00 | 0.59 / 0.00 | 235 |
5A | 0.40 / 0.00 | 0.60 / 0.00 | 0.56 / 0.00 | 235 |
Visual exploration of the data can be done with cldfviz
, a cldfbench
plugin to visualize
CLDF datasets.
Let's first look at the distribution of languages in LexiCore and ClicsCore on a map:
cldfbench cldfviz.map cldf/phonology-metadata.json --language-properties Incollections,Forms,Concepts --language-properties-colormaps tol,plasma,viridis --markersize 15 --pacific-centered
We can plot continuous variables on a map, e.g. ConsonantQualitySize
cldfbench cldfviz.map cldf/phonology-metadata.json --parameters ConsonantQualitySize --colormaps plasma --pacific-centered
A screenshot of the resulting leaflet map is shown below. (To plot printable
maps, install cldfviz
with cartopy
support and choose a different output format using the
Map plots for categorical variables like VelarNasal
are supported as well.
This feature is equivalent to feature 9A from WALS.
We can inspect the values:
$ csvgrep -c Parameter_ID -m "VelarNasal" cldf/phonology-codes.csv | csvcut -c ID,Name | column -s, -t -n
ID Name
VelarNasal-1 velar nasal occurs in syllable-initial position
VelarNasal-2 velar nasal occurs but not in syllable-initial position
VelarNasal-3 velar nasal is missing
and plot it on a map:
cldfbench cldfviz.map cldf/phonology-metadata.json --parameters VelarNasal --colormaps tol --pacific-centered
As a final type of feature, consider SkinInBark
This feature is a so-called partial colexification, which means that the word expressing "skin" recurs in part in the
word expressing "bark" in the language variety in question, while not being identical with it.
This feature has two major values, true
and false
, and -- as a third case -- None
, when data are missing (there
is no word for "skin" or for "bark" in our data).
We can plot the feature in the same way in which we plotted the data before
cldfbench cldfviz.map cldf/lexicon-metadata.json --parameters SkinInBark --pacific-centered
You can also plot two features at the same time onto a map. In order to do so, just select those features which you think are useful to be inspected synchronously, and type:
cldfbench cldfviz.map cldf/lexicon-metadata.json --parameters ArmAndHand,LegAndFoot --pacific-centered --base-layer Esri_WorldImagery --markersize 15
The resulting plot offers a new account on the data by combining feature information for two features.