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File metadata and controls

134 lines (106 loc) · 6.05 KB

::: {custom-style="DocTitle"} Document Management - TESTING :::

::: {custom-style="CenterBox"} [CD stage]{custom-style="ISOStage"} :::  

::: {custom-style="CenterBox"} Warning for WDs and CDs :::

::: {custom-style="Box"} This document is not an ISO International Standard. It is distributed for review and comment. It is subject to change without notice and may not be referred to as an International Standard.

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation. :::


::: {custom-style="Box"} © ISO 2020

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::: {.toc} :::


Pandoc Test Doc

::: {.comment} This text is a comment :::


As described in the Glossary, a claim is "A JSON-formatted data structure representing the assertions of fact by an actor concerning an asset at a specific time and for a specific reason". Claims in the CAI ecosystem are equivalent to (and compatible with) a W3C Verifiable Credential, however since our claims aren't about people we don't use the term credential.



Every asset, for which a claim is being made, shall contain embedded XMP. If the asset does not contain XMP at the time a claim is made, the claims recorder shall create it prior to signing the claim. The Adobe XMP Toolkit SDK can be used to create and modify XMP in various asset types.

As defined in the ISO 16684-1 standard, the XML+RDF serialization of the metadata shall be uncompressed and can be located starting with the bytes <?xpacket begin= and ending with the bytes <?xpacket end="w"?>.

Claim Internals

JWT Claim Set

A claim is defined as a standard JWT claim set ( that also follows the requirements for a VC (6.3.1 of the VC spec) with CAI as the @context and credentialSubject. Claims can either be signed or unsigned. An unsigned claim may contain any values (for now), though it is RECOMMENDED to include the actions that preceded this claim.

Example Claim

	"jti": "3e061079a991071a5d2dcfd2ee1c6794",
	"iss": "",
	"iat": 1516239022,
	"vc" : {
		"@context": [
    		"type": ["VerifiableCredential", "AuthenticContent"],
    		"credentialSubject": {
			"actions": [ { "stEvt:action": "filter_applied", "stEvt:when": "2020-02-11T09:00:00" } ],
			"signature" : "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9..t3VhQ7QsILDuV_HNFSMI-Fb2FoT7fuzalpS5AH8A9c0",
			"url": "",
			"parent_url": ""

The JWT claim set shall include:

  • jti - a unique identifier for the JWT. (NOTE: as per VC, this is equivalent to the VC id property)
  • iss - identifies the actor that issued the JWT as a case-sensitive string containing a StringOrURI. (NOTE: as per VC, this is equivalent to the VC issuer property)
  • iat - identifies the time at which the JWT was issued. Its value MUST be a number expressing a NumericDate
  • vc - this is the verifiable credential itself, which is a valid JSON-LD object including type and credentialSubject.

Adobe's view of DID


The W3C specification for DID defines them as:

Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) are a new type of identifier to provide verifiable, decentralized digital identity. These new identifiers are designed to enable the controller of a DID to prove control over it and to be implemented independently of any centralized registry, identity provider, or certificate authority.

Command Line Parameters

Standard Parameters

Param Description
-h print help information
--help print help information
`-o [FILE DIR]`
--log [FILE] Instead of logging to stdout, write to a specified file instead
--pages range/list of pages to be processed (eg. 1-5, 2,4,7). NOTE: page range is normally one-based unless --zero is also used, then it's zero-based

Inline Elements

Normal [highlighted]{.highlight} [commented]{.comment}.[Marginal note [highlighted]{.highlight}.]{.margin} [Fixme text [highlighted]{.highlight} [and commented]{.comment} and normal fixme.]{.fixme} And [Text In Small Caps]{.smcaps}.

::: {.comment} Commented text.[Margin note with emphasis and [highlighted text]{.highlight}. Normal margin.]{.margin} This is [highlighted and italic]{.highlight} text. But now should be back to commented text. :::

And now back to normal once again.