All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Renamed App to Library Search, and ran yarn deploy
- Yarn deploy was used, package.json version moved to 3.0.0. Should be 2.0.0 but due to an earlier mistake...bumped!
- Styling and view changes to Home, BookList, BookSearch, NavBar
- Encountered errors in GoogleBooks.ts with images. Crude image logic to always have an image.
- Footer
- Yarn deploy was used, package.json version moved to 1.0.0
- Removed App from footer
- Added now classed as Minor feature increase, not just patch/hotfix
- Home now utilises BookSearch and BookList components
- Redux, Redux-thunk, and state management for Book components
- Added BookSearch and BookList components for book searching
- Corrected formatting
- Hotfix applied to package.json to correct code coverage report
- Added Google Books API and associated tests
- Added pre-commit checks for code tests and linting via lint-staged and husky
- gh-pages 3rd party added to package
- Build and deploy to GitHub pages
- Base template from create-react-app with TypeScript
- Restructured components into folders
- Added rooting and root view (Home)
- Added Test Material Icons and Lottie Component to Home
- CSS to SCSS Modules
- Jest and Faker for testing
- Code linting, quality, coverage, and analysis checks via SonarTS, ESLint, and Prettier
- Material-ui and theme customisation (Google Colors in Variable files)
- VSCode set up for debugging tests and auto formatting on save
- Repository created