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ViSkill: Value-Informed Skill Chaining for Policy Learning of Long-Horizon Tasks with Surgical Robot

This is the official PyTorch implementation of the paper "Value-Informed Skill Chaining for Policy Learning of Long-Horizon Tasks with Surgical Robot" (IROS 2023).


  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Python 3.7+

Installation Instructions

  1. Clone this repository.
git clone --recursive
cd ViSkill
  1. Create a virtual environment
conda create -n viskill python=3.8
conda activate viskill
  1. Install packages
pip3 install -e SurRoL/	# install surrol environments
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -e .
  1. Then add one line of code at the top of gym/gym/envs/ to register SurRoL tasks:
# directory: anaconda3/envs/dex/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
import surrol.gym


Commands for ViSkill. Results will be logged to WandB. Before running the commands below, please change the wandb entity in skill_learning.yaml and skill_chaining.yaml to match your account.

We collect demonstration data for each subtask via the scripted controllers provided by SurRoL. Take the BiPegTransfer task as example:

mkdir SurRoL/surrol/data/demo
python SurRoL/surrol/data/ --env BiPegTransfer-v0 --subtask grasp
python SurRoL/surrol/data/ --env BiPegTransfer-v0 --subtask handover
python SurRoL/surrol/data/ --env BiPegTransfer-v0 --subtask release

Training Commands

  • Train subtask policies:
mpirun -np 8 python -m train_sl seed=1 subtask=grasp
mpirun -np 8 python -m train_sl seed=1 subtask=handover
mpirun -np 8 python -m train_sl seed=1 subtask=release
  • Train chaining policies:
mpirun -np 8 python -m model_seed=1 task=BiPegTransfer-v0

Starting to Modify the Code

Modifying the hyperparameters

The default hyperparameters are defined in viskill/configs, where skill_learning.yaml and skill_chaining.yaml define the experiment settings of learning subtask policies and chaining policies, respectively, and YAML file in the directory sl_agent and sc_agent define the hyperparameters of each method. Modifications to these parameters can be directly defined in the experiment or agent config files, or passed through the terminal command.

Adding a new RL algorithm

The core RL algorithms are implemented within the BaseAgent class. For adding a new skill chaining algorithm, a new file needs to be created in viskill/agents and BaseAgent needs to be subclassed. In particular, any required networks (actor, critic etc) need to be constructed and the update(...) function and get_action(...) needs to be overwritten. When implementation is done, a registration is needed in and a config file should also be made in sc_agent to specify the model parameters.

Code Navigation

  |- agents                # implements core algorithms in agent classes
  |- components            # reusable infrastructure for model training
  |    |-  # handles saving + loading of model checkpoints
  |    |-   # environment wrappers for SurRoL environments
  |    |-    # normalizer for vectorized input
  |    |-        # implements core logging functionality using wandB
  |- configs               # experiment configs 
  |    |- skill_learning.yaml   # configs for subtask policy learning
  |    |- skill_chaining.yaml   # configs for chaining policy learning
  |    |- sl_agent         # configs for demonstration-guided RL algorithm
  |    |- sc_agent         # configs for skill chaining algorithm
  |    |- hier_agent       # configs for (synthetic) hierachical agent
  |- modules               # reusable architecture components
  |    |-        # basic critic implementations (eg MLP-based critic)
  |    |- # pytorch distribution utils for density model
  |    |-    	   # basic actor implementations
  |    |- # her replay buffer with future sampling strategy
  |    |-       # rollout sampler for collecting experience
  |    |-   # basic networks
  |- trainers              # main model training script, builds all components + runs training loop and logging
  |- utils                 # general and rl utilities, pytorch / visualization utilities etc
  |-           # experiment launcher for skill learning
  |-           # experiment launcher for skill chaining


For any questions, please feel free to email