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pretty print

(ice1000, can you do this?)

The current goal of pretty print is to make it easier to debug the elaborated core term, and to present faithfully the elaborated term, they are different with concrete term in various ways:

  • various notation is elaborated to different form. like syntax is elaborated to construct(0) (introduction rule for sum type, where 0 means the first constructor)
  • meta is elaborated
  • there is no define what(a: A, b: B): C = ??/ telescope, where a and b is in both type and term.
  • more type is present in core term (see core.type_annotation annotation)

so some improvements:

  • syntax
    • makes reference use same identifier with concrete term, instead of randomly generated term
    • makes sum type construct use name of the field instead of index
    • make the syntax more like in concrete syntax (for example application syntax)
  • pretty print to HTML with clear AST delimitation/boundary, layout it properly, might print it like a tree (see Lamdu project)


  • Scala is a cross platform language, our only platform-dependency should be HOAS compiler
  • Scala being a "everything is object langauge", we need to have in mind what is data, and what is object & class
    • our value class now use pointer equality, but in reality, it is only used for caching purposes, this usage is ok I think...
    • in general data class doesn't use type tag in anyway except for ADT, and except for breaking out the type system to use type dependency


  • theory
    • basic for MLTT theory see HoTT book first chapters
    • cubical TT see
      • Cubical Type Theory: a constructive interpretation of the univalence axiom
      • On Higher Inductive Types in Cubical Type Theory
      • Higher inductive types in cubical computational type theory
  • implementation
    • the type checker is written in a bidirectional way, some reference is
    • but the above reference is not incremental, and to do it incrementally: Decidability of conversion for type theory in type theory
      • this don't handle recursive definitions, and we use a way inspired by Mini-TT
    • the idea of using JVM as evaluator is from: Full reduction at full throttle

some of bellow is out of date and wrong now, it mainly serves as a place to clear up my thoughts

in the diagram bellow, unifier is broken into conversion checking (ValueConversion.scala) and MetaSolver.scala

relation to cubicaltt implementation

there is a Nominal typeclass in cubicaltt, it is what we have implemented restrict which is the act method in cubicaltt

universe levels

we use cumulative universes, done in syntax layer, with up operator

dbi core syntax Abstract

this class is just core syntax in de bruijn index. it is elaborated from concrete syntax. we don't do any manipulation on it, it is just used to eval to values. the conversion from Abstract to Value is called eval, we have currently a compiler by dynamically emitting JVM bytecode.

abstract and values is "type free", let expressions don't have types, etc. the context will have the types when needed. this is natural in a type directed way

I think one thing can be done on Abstract is common expression reduction.

references in a abstract term points to context or other part of the term, very standard. recursive definitions is done by mutual references

this is very straight forward to understand compared to "value" class

hoas value Value

our value higher order abstract syntax, it use closure of the host language as closure, and mutable cell of host language as reference

we represent recursive references directly by recursive data structure, with a trick of mutation and nulls

values is considered "context free", all operation done on a value don't need to be pass in a context object, but nontheless, you need to know if a value is valid in current context, for eaxmple reading back a value defined locally in a global context will result in rebinding error

unlike normalization by evaluation, redux (application, projection, cubical hcom etc.) etc is translated to values, not directly performing the operation. this is because elaborator needs to fill holes by reify from value, and directly normalizing all redux (out side of a closure) will make the term very big

values can be manipulated like syntax, like restriction, reify, support. but you need to maintain the mutual reference, it is a little bit trickier, but not much


but most importantly values can have whnf. this is not a syntactical operation.

we have weak head normal form defined on hoas, wnhf, the app closure application is call-by-need because we implemented whnf caching


elaboration is standard bidiractional elaboration

recursive elaboration

for a item that previously declared but not defined, when it is defined, we re-evaluate all stuff that depends on it recursively and rewire the pointers, these ones refers to a open variable before

abstract-surface syntax mismatch

some core term is more syntax heavy than abstract term

  • metas or stuff treated like meta (homogeneous path type)
  • type annotation to make our checking decidable
    • pattern matching needs both domain and codomain added
    • hcom
  • make pattern (this can be seen as a syntax sugar)

the ones that has type annotated is kind of disturbing, can we have a semantic judgement when some can be added?

one argument is as terms is determined by types, so adding type annotation doesn't really mater, because it doesn't change what's of the type, so if this is true, then checking type annotations is not needed. so for example we don't need to unify them at all!

types system

structural data types

unlike almost all implementations, we try to treat type definitions structural. validity of recursive definitions can mostly done by syntax restrictions, just like how people makes "nested inductive definitions" works (I suppose). so there is no "schema" of parameterized inductive type definitions, just recursive sum types under a telescope, the "schema" then is a semantics level predicate, not syntax level construction

but for recursive types, they cannot have structural equality, so currently we restrict them to be defined on toplevel, also make them has nominal equality (id'ed Sum and Record type, just like id'ed pattern expressions)

we don't allow parameterized ones yet. but this is a easy fix

native pattern matching

our pattern matching is NOT compiled to a case tree, but are overlapping and order independent, but these has some problems: pattern matching can stuck on constructors, this causes some problems... so be careful


there are two tools on values: whnf and conversion checking.


it is very unclear how to represent whnf/value with a type, also we do whnf caching, so it is necessary to have a condition says when something changed, the whnf need to be reevaluated, this might not be a good design

conversion checking

conversion checking's only nontrivial part is eta-handling, it is not clear if type-directed way is the best with the addition of cubical and overlapping pattern matching. cubicaltt uses non-type-directed, Agda and redtt use complex unification algorithms (which I am not familiar)

bellow is older note

the conversion checking is type directed conversion checking, but as we use hoas, open variables have a nominal equality, and we don't do index shuffling

the assumptions is: values is well typed, although values don't have type annotations, but for example a stuck term of application, if you know the left hand side has a function type, then you know that right hand side has the type of the domain

so the algorithm is type directed is in this sense: the type is a assertion that both terms has a certain type, the level input of equalType is a assertion that both type is smaller than a certain level, the output of a equality check is a assertion that the term is definitional equal.

in case of equalNeutural, there is no assertion that the two input is of the same type, it has a return type Option[Value] and Some(v) is a assertion that the two neutral type is of the same type, and of the same value and the type is v

the conversion checking handles recursive definitions by memorizing equalities between path lambdas, here we have a assumption all term level recursion is done inside a pattern matching closure this is somehow inspired by Mini-TT

something similar should be possible with recursive type definitions, in this case, we should treat the recursive references as "open" and do caching

at least we want to be semi-decidable, this allows more equality to be checked.

meta variables

local representation in Abstract

conceptually, implicit variables and meta variables are just (abstract in the sense before) terms that omitted and can be inferred from other part of the term.

in this sense, each new scoping have a list of definitions like a let expression. and in abstract code, each closure do have a list of meta values, and each usage is also a closed meta reference to them.

for closure, let expression and telescopes in record and sum type, we have 3 different way of representing them in abstract world

we don't explicitly present metas in value world, like we have direct references in value world. it can still be reified, just read it in current closure

context representation

we make sure all meta is solved when a context is closed, this way the solved meta can generate abstract properly. see finish usages

in value world

we are not using an contextual monad, but directly using mutation and using JVM referential equality.

we represent not solved metas directly by a holder value with no value solved, we maintain so that all references is the same JVM object, so setting a value for it set for all references. closing a context will ensure all metas is solved

also adding a new meta is direct mutate the context.

having mutable metas and mutable context means our values is mutable.

this means: unification and type checking is side-effecting. this means one need to be careful when writing these code. call order maters. you should finish at the last thing you do in this context.

also this means whnf is not stable in some cases. this seems to be transparent to outside of Value.scala

other than this, our algorithm is pretty ignorance about metas. open metas is much like a generic variable, closed metas is much like a reference, when evaluation on them doesn't work, we just stuck, when unification doesn't work, just return false. what can be wrong with this? (funny face)

so the only thing is to keep in mind that unifier/typechecking is side-effecting

one thing keep in mind is closure DON'T create new open metas, all open metas is currently in context

so a value with a solved meta behaves much like a normal value. a value with a open meta does not. it is kind of a value with undetermined part, so reify works on it, support works on it, but restrictions currently not (see bellow)

meta solving

we use the most simple meta solving algorithm, no constraint etc.

kan types


restricted layer happens for face expression, and glues.

we don't allow restricting a open meta for now, because it has indefinite support, for example a restricted open meta might turns wrong when it has value, because the value is not restricted and might contains names in the restriction. this is not a theoretical bad problem, because you can always fill in the meta values. but in practice we don't know yet

kan ops

we have hcom, coe as eliminations, in a normalized closed value, they should not appear. they interact with restrictions, just like a path lambda interact with dimensions, then they are inductively defined on all type formers

how to verify computation rules: they must preserve types, they must preserve properties of kan ops (stationary hcom/coe and face hcom)

other pls

  • Coq
  • Agda
  • Lean
  • Idris
  • cubicaltt
  • red-tt