git clone
cd TREE-QMC-v1/MQLib
cd ..
g++ -std=c++11 -O2 -I MQLib/include -o TREE-QMC-v1 src/TREE-QMC.cpp MQLib/bin/MQLib.a
Step 3: Run TREE-QMC on the example input data.
./TREE-QMC-v1 -i example/avian_uce_trees_3679.tre -o example/treeqmc.tre
This should take no more than a few minutes. Note: The example data file contains the best ML (RAxML) UCE trees from the Avian Phylogenomics Project.
Step 4: Branch lengths and support values can be estimated using ASTRAL with the following commands.
git clone
unzip Astral.*.zip
java -jar ASTRAL/Astral/astral.*.jar -q example/treeqmc.tre -i example/avian_uce_trees_3679.tre -o example/treeqmc_with_support.tre
In the future, we plan to implement these calculations within TREE-QMC for ease of use.
Note: The root of the tree is (TINMA,STRCA)
-- see the provided name map for more information.