Meet Kanso.css
+ +A classless CSS template for simple forms and web pages.
+ ++ I've always wanted a minimal CSS template that I can customize for each project, as opposed to starting + from a blank CSS file. +
+ +Which is why I created Kanso.css.
+ ++ In Japanese, Kanso translates to simplicity or purity, advocating for the elimination of the unnecessary. I + wanted a template that reflected this philosophy, offering a clean, minimal, and distraction-free + experience that can be added onto. +
+ +Features
+ ++ Sticking to its core principles, Kanso.css minimizes its number of declarations, whilst being responsive + and easily customizable. +
+ +At less than 100 lines, Kanso.css is a tiny 1.3 KB in size.
+ +Works as a standalone classless CSS framework, but can be added onto and tailored for specific projects.
+ +Font and colors are stored as global variables, making it easy to theme Kanso.css.
+ +Comes with a dark theme by default.
+ + + + + +Installation
+ +1. Serve Locally
+ +The recommended way to install Kanso.css is to save it locally.
+ +This method allows you to customize and tailor Kanso.css.
+ + + + + +2. jsDeliver CDN
+ +You can apply the default Kanso.css to your site by adding the following link tag within your head tag.
+ +<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
+ Theming and Customization
+ +The font and colors are changable as global root variables.
+ +
+ Kanso.css uses 4 colors:
+ --fg1
for text color,
+ --fg2
for outlines,
+ --bg1
for background color,
+ --bg2
for background color of buttons and text input.
Below is the color scheme example for the dark mode theme:
+ +:root { --fg1: #eee; --fg2: #555; --bg1: #181818; --bg2: #282828; }
Because the size of Kanso.css is so small, you can add any custom CSS directly onto the file itself.
+ ++ Alternatively, you can load your own stylesheet after Kanso.css, overriding any conflicting declarations + Kanso.css has with yours. +
+ +Demo Forms
+ +XOR Mask
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