Welcome to the ImgUtils image. Check the deployment options available and the list of available tools (in the end).
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'docker run --rm -ti -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock nmaguiar/imgutils /bin/bash'}}}
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'nerdctl run --rm -ti -v /run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock:/run/containerd/containerd.sock nmaguiar/imgutils /bin/bash'}}}
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'docker run --rm -ti --pull always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e REGAUTH="$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text).dkr.ecr.$(curl -s,AWS,$(aws ecr get-login-password)" nmaguiar/imgutils /bin/bash'}}}
If you need to login in AWS ECR and another registry at the same time (use "$'\n'"
or |||
to separate multiple registries logins)
First check the nodes' names with 'kubectl get nodes'
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'NODENAME=ec2-server-0 NAME=imgutils HPATH=/run/containerd/containerd.sock /bin/sh -c 'kubectl run -n kube-system $NAME --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/imgutils --overrides="{"apiVersion":"v1","spec":{"nodeName":"$NODENAME","containers":[{"name":"$NAME","image":"nmaguiar/imgutils","stdin":true,"stdinOnce":true,"tty":true,"args":["/bin/bash"],"env":[{"name":"CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT","value":"unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock"}],"volumeMounts":[{"name":"cri","mountPath":"/run/containerd/containerd.sock"}]}],"volumes":[{"name":"cri","hostPath":{"path":"$HPATH"}}]}}" -- /bin/bash''}}}
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'NODENAME=k3s-server-0 NAME=imgutils HPATH=/run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock /bin/sh -c 'kubectl run -n kube-system $NAME --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/imgutils --overrides="{"apiVersion":"v1","spec":{"nodeName":"$NODENAME","containers":[{"name":"$NAME","image":"nmaguiar/imgutils","stdin":true,"stdinOnce":true,"tty":true,"args":["/bin/bash"],"env":[{"name":"CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT","value":"unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock"}],"volumeMounts":[{"name":"cri","mountPath":"/run/containerd/containerd.sock"}]}],"volumes":[{"name":"cri","hostPath":{"path":"$HPATH"}}]}}" -- /bin/bash''}}}
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'NODENAME=server-0 NAME=imgutils HPATH=/var/run/crio/crio.sock /bin/sh -c './kubectl run -n kube-system $NAME --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/imgutils --overrides="{"apiVersion":"v1","spec":{"nodeName":"$NODENAME","containers":[{"name":"$NAME","image":"nmaguiar/imgutils","securityContext":{"privileged":true},"stdin":true,"stdinOnce":true,"tty":true,"args":["/bin/bash"],"env":[{"name":"CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT","value":"unix:///run/crio/crio.sock"}],"volumeMounts":[{"name":"cri","mountPath":"/run/crio/crio.sock"}]}],"volumes":[{"name":"cri","hostPath":{"path":"$HPATH"}}]}}" -- /bin/bash''}}}
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'NODENAME=microk8s-server-0 NAME=imgutils HPATH=/var/snap/microk8s/common/run/containerd.sock /bin/sh -c 'kubectl run -n kube-system $NAME --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/imgutils --overrides="{"apiVersion":"v1","spec":{"nodeName":"$NODENAME","containers":[{"name":"$NAME","image":"nmaguiar/imgutils","stdin":true,"stdinOnce":true,"tty":true,"args":["/bin/bash"],"env":[{"name":"CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT","value":"unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock"}],"volumeMounts":[{"name":"cri","mountPath":"/run/containerd/containerd.sock"}]}],"volumes":[{"name":"cri","hostPath":{"path":"$HPATH"}}]}}" -- /bin/bash''}}}
Utility | Use for |
skopeo | Copy from/to container registries, archive files and from/to docker daemon |
helm | The most popular Kubernetes package manager (for use to pull/push charts) |
docker | Docker client to interact with a docker daemon (see above 'Deploy using docker') |
crictl | Client to interact with containerd/cri-o with Kubernetes (see above 'Deploy using kubectl') |
ctr | Containerd low-level client tool |
nerdctl | Containerd high-level client tool (see above 'Deploy using nerdctl' and/or 'Deploy using kubectl') |
dive | A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image |
mc | Midnight Commander visual file manager |
openaf | A "swiss-army knife" devops tool & runtime |
syft | Syft is a tool that generates a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) from container images and filesystems, providing detailed insights into software components and dependencies |
imgExpand.yaml | Expands a docker container archive file, layer by layer, into an output folder (uses OpenAF's oJob) |
imgInfo.yaml | Expands a docker container archive file, layer by layer, to return the list of files (uses OpenAF's oJob) |
imgCollapse.yaml | Collapse a previously expanded docker container archive file, layer by layer, into an output image file (uses OpenAF's oJob) |
listHubRepo.yaml | Check when was the last pull and push, on docker hub, for a specific image (uses OpenAF's oJob) |
Type | Executable | Description |
Alias | help | Shows the image version and main instructions and presence of connectivity to container runtimes |
Alias | oaf-light-theme | Sets the openaf/oafp command output them to a light screen theme |
Alias | oaf-dark-theme | Sets the openaf/oafp command output them to a dark screen theme |
Alias | oafptab | Parses the stdin input ascii table (e.g. crictl images) into an ascii table with oafp query functionality |
Command | usage-help | Displays the image's usage help |
Command | examples-help | Displays the image's examples help |