Holding repo for CMS plotting style ROOT macros guidelines available at https://cms-analysis.docs.cern.ch/guidelines/plotting/general/
Both python and C++ implementations available.
pip install cmsstyle
Once this is done, the import cmsstyle
should work from any location.
git clone https://github.com/cms-cat/cmsstyle.git
cd cmsstyle
source scripts/setup_cmstyle
For the C++ to work from inside ROOT (and any location), it is recommended to add something like the following to the rootlogon.C macro (or equivalent):
std::string var = string(gROOT->GetMacroPath())+":"+gSystem->Getenv("CMSSTYLE_DIR")+"/src";
std::cout<<"Adding the ${CMSSTYLE_DIR}/src to the macro path"<<std::endl;
In fact a similar configuration may be achieved by modifying the ${HOME}/.rootrc
If you use a CMSSW that supports the scram-venv you may use that to achieve the installation of the python package with pip already locally, as described in this page using the following instructions:
pip install cmstyle
It should be remarked that after installation of the venv (done by scram-venv) that step is no longer needed, but the working directory should be used always in the virtual enviroment (that should be already setup when doing the commonly required cmsenv command.
Remark that if you have a local installacion of cmsstyle, it may collide with the virtual environment, so you may want to do
to prevent the conflicts.
In the case of the C++ code, it is possible to add the code as source code but downloading the packages as mentioned above. Keep in mind that the repository does not follows the required structure for CMSSW packages, so you may encounter difficulties to integrate. Do not hesitate to contact us for the use case.
Documentation for the Python implementation is available at cmsstyle.readthedocs.io. C++ implementation is analogous.