Epigenetic clocks are multivariate linear models that can predict chronological and biological age,
based on DNA methylation (DNAm) data {cite}horvathDNAMethylationAge2013
Age-associated DNAm changes are observed in two phenomena – first, the evidence of specific
age-associated DNAm changes, and second, the evidence of "erosion" or increasing uniformity
of DNAm landscape, associated with age.
Thus, two phenomena can be considered deterministic and stochastic components of quasi-stochastic
epigenetic changes associated with age.
In this regard, understanding the contribution of stochastic component to the
accuracy of linear models (clocks) prediction represents a fundamental interest.
In 2024 H.Tong et al proposed a method for quantification of stochastic component of epigenetic
aging, and estimated that approximately 66–75% of the accuracy underpinning Horvath’s clock could
be driven by a stochastic process
. The goal of this project was to check this statement by reproducing the analysis proprosed by authors.
For single site in single cell one can model methylation status as a Markov chain.
Let 1_dnam_dyn
, A). This process is homogenous in a sence of independence
of the transition probabilities from time. For systems of such kind, the stationary state can be reached,
as shown on ({numref}1_dnam_dyn
, B), and the independent probaility of each state does not depend on
initial state {cite}shiryaevProbability12016
. However, for more shorter times dynamics can be explored.
:name: 1_dnam_dyn
Modelling single-cell methylation dynamics of one CpG.
**A**, Markov chain process and it's schematic representation.
**B**, Dynamics of methylation $(X=1)$ state probability within a model with different parameters.
When switching from the one-cell to cell population, model is needed to generalize. To do so, I will provide several definitions, which authors used in the paper.
First, instead of one CpG site, several (353) ones are considered, which belong to Horvath's clock.
For each of CpG dyn_pop
Thus, taking into account the described differences, a simulation of the stochastic will consist of the following steps.
The initial methylation status corresponds to fraction of methylated sites in particular position at the
beginning of observation (DNAm). Following the paper, I defined the initial methylation status for each CpG
I modelled the change of methylation status at CpG
$$p_c = 1 - e^{-\gamma |\text{EffSize}c|} $$
where $\gamma$ is global probability of a DNAm change (discussed below), and $\text{EffSize}{c}$ is an
effect size, which defined as difference in methylation fraction DNAm for betweem old and young ({numref}dyn_pop
, B).
Mathematically, for each CpG
3.1. Since switching to cell population, the transition process should be defined.
Since we have a population, the change in methylation status of CpG dyn_pop
, left on C).
3.2. The size of DNAm change is defined as a random deviation $r{c}$ from truncated normal
distribution $r{c} \sim \mathcal{N}{+}(0, \sigma)$. Sign of change is same as siogn of
effect size: $\text{sign}(\text{EffSize}{c})$.
3.3. Change in DNAm. Since the DNAms $\beta c ^{(t)}$ are beta-distributed and the $r$ belongs
to truncated normal distribution I first transform the DNAm to normal distribution, change the
value, and then convert it back to the beta-values. Thus,
$$\beta c ^{(t)} \quad \rightarrow \quad x_c^{(t)} = iF(\beta{c}^{(t)}),$$
where $iF$ is inverse of the normal cumulative distribution function. Next,
$$ x_c^{(t+1)} = x_c^{(t)} + \text{sign}( \text{EffSize}{c} ) \cdot r_{c}, \
r_{c} \sim \mathcal{N}_{+}(0, \sigma)$$
and, finally,
$$\beta c ^{(t+1)} = F(x{c}^{(t+1)})$$
The equation above describes changes of DNAm for each CpG
Strictly speaking, I am not sure, whether the defined process is Markov one, since the set of states is
not countable anymore. But no properties of Makov process used in following analysis, so it does not matter.
Thus, the resulting model ({numref}dyn_pop
, A) requires determination of experimental data for
definition of initial states and establishment of 2 parameters (
:name: dyn_pop
Modelling methylation dynamics of independent CpGs in cell population.
**A**, Transition process scheme.
**B**, Age distribution of Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) monocytes methylome dataset,
used to build stochastic model. Red area highlights 43 youngest samples with age less than 46, purple – 11
oldest samples with age more than 80.
**C**, (left) DNAm values are beta distribured. (center) The average DNAm for the youngest (AvgDNAm(Young))
and the oldest (AvgDNAm(Old)) samples for each CpG $c$ of the Horvath's clocks. (right) Distribution of an
absolute value of an effect size.
**D** DNAm dynamics for three CpGs with different effect size in three independent replicates.
To specify the model, authors used the MESA dataset of methylome of monocytes.
From this dataset, DNAm for Horvath 353 CpGs were selected
. The rationality of this choice is
determined by the subsequent comparison with Horvath's clocks.
To simulate stochastic DNAm change, estimated effect size was used, coupled with parameters
, D): (i) DNAm changes with time monotonously,
(ii) the increase of EffSize increases chance of DNAm change, while
(iii) its' sign defines direction (increase or decrease) of DNAm change.
In the procedure described above, there are two parameters need to be optimized: global
methylation change rate dyn_pop
, right at C). The parameters were evaluated with mean absolute error
(MAE, so the less MAE, the better parameters combination).
To do so, the grid search for optimal parameters was used, where simulated EffSize was computed for each
pair of the parameters ({numref}optimal_parameters
:name: optimal_parameters
:width: 400
Search for optimal parameters of simulation. The optimal parameters combination is marked.
Obtained optimal parameters (optimal_parameters
). At best, this needs to be checked on a wider grid of parameters. A good way
to do this is to use gradient descent instead of using a grid approach.
For each time step (or, age value), DNAm values can be simulated, using the
Following the paper, I simulated three artificial cohorts of DNAm samples: train, model selection
and test sets. Each cohort consists of five samples per age value: from 45 to 83 (195 samples
in total for each cohort).
For the samples of year 45 I used the random number of time steps less than 35 (number of stem
cells divsions per year {cite}teschendorffComparisonEpigeneticMitoticlike2020
) to has some
variety in DNAm values for this age. So, 35 time steps were taken in one year of life for this simulation.
For each age, the DNAm were simulated from the same DNAm values independently, reflecting
the stochastic process in each individual sample. Obtained beta-values were that transformed by zeroing the
mean and scaling to unit variance (with StandardScaler for each cohort independently).
Next, the linear model with regularization (ElasticNet) was train for a set of penalties optimal_model
, left). Finally, best model was validated on the
third cohort ({numref}optimal_model
, right). Low root mean square error (RMSE) reflects
that obtained weights of the model are sensitive to pure stochastic change of DNAm level.
Resulting model with best parameters trained on simulated is a stochastic Horvath's clocs (StocH).
:name: optimal_model
Fitting StocH on simulated aging samples. (Left), Search for best linear model regularization parameter.
(Right), Validation of model ability to predict age caused by stochastic process.
For retained samples from MESA monocytes datased, chronological age was predicted with StocH ({numref}stoch_component
left upper at A).
Thus, the predicted age values differ from those found in the original paper,
mainly reflected in a smaller spread of values. Optimal parameter values imply
a lower probability and magnitude of transition, and this can explain
the smaller effect.
:name: stoch_component
Quantification of stochastic component of epigenetic aging. **A**, Chronological age, predicted with StoH and Horvath clocks for MESA datasets of monocytes and T-cells. **B**, estimated ratio of squared Pearson correlation coefficients.
It's not clearly explained, how the Horvath clocks were trained in the paper. One can use the same dataset for training and test with cross-validation, without excluding validation subset from training data, which is not good approach. In the paper, the number of samples used to prediction of age is similar to the whole dataset size (1148, thus, samples in range of 46 to 80). This, it's unclear, whether some validation used or not. The following code can be used to fit Horvath's clocks:
horvath = ElasticNetCV(l1_ratio=0.5, alphas=np.arange(0, 1.00001, 0.001))
horvath.fit(X, y)
y_pred = horvath.predict(X)
Another option is to use weights and parameters from the Horvath's initial paper. It should be mentioned that the Horvath's datasets did not include the MESA dataset, so basically I do not expect data leakage.
Once the predicted chronological age is obtained, one can try to estimate how much of the accuracy of the Horvath's clock prediction is due to a stochastic process. The ratio of the squared Pearson coefficients for the two predictions can be used as a measure of this component:
In general,
As a result, the project achieved all of its objectives. Not all the values obtained during the following of the paper methods were reproduced. Particularly, the RR2 values obtained from analysis are lower for two used datasets (MESA Mono and CD4T). The analysis is available as Python code for review and evaluation at GitHub: ombystoma-young/stochastic-component-epigen-proj, and can, in principle, serve as a setup for further investigations.
- Can resulted simulated DNAm exceed 1? There is no restricting conditions.
- Which datasets authors used to build clocks? Did they used any validation data?
- There is no information about
$R^2$ definition in paper. Did authors use determination scores or just squared Pearson correlation? The$R^2$ for Stoc-clocks can be negative (I have an evidence). - Could such a difference in results be explained by change in parameters?
- Can we consider non-homogeneous process by define time-dependent global methylation rate
$\gamma$ ? - Can we use different values of
$\gamma$ for sites with positive and negative EffSize, reasoning different processes underlay the events of methylation and demethylation? - Can we use stochastic clocks as random matrix in mixed linear models?
This project was performed by Oksana Kotovskaya.
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