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Stacy Bradford stacy-bradford
GTM Specialist W/An Eye on web3.

Indiegogo California

Loh Jin Xian alvindrakes
Love video games, animations, books, fitness, humans and life. I want to have an impact in the world.

@Zenno-studio Malaysia

Lee Richardson SeaOfLee

Headspace Los Angeles, CA

Carlos David Sanchez Moreno carlosforcss
Backend Engineer, always learning something new, passionate reader and father of 🐱🐱🐱.

Chihuahua Chihuahua

Florent Bachelier fbach

Headspace los angeles

Laura Dumitru laura-dumitru
Frontend Developer

United Kingdom

Emily-Rose Steyn Emily-RoseSteyn
Growing 🌱

South Africa

David Arellano wanosoft
Senior Mobile Engineer, passionate about making the world a little better line by line.

@HeadspaceMeditation MX

Rohit Karadkar rohitkaradkar
Android Developer


Alireza Bagheri arzb

Headspace Health


@HeadspaceMeditation Denver, Colorado

Sebastian Abeansits
Coder, nerd, husband, father - finding zen in c0de

@spotter-dev Los Angeles

Akin (Ah-Keen) akinevans
Web Developer

Southern California

Samantha Bennett samantha-bennett

Headspace San Francisco, CA

Jesús Hergueta jesus-hergueta

@solara-energy Mexico CIty

Kalon Cheong kacheo
will write code for grilled steak

Seattle, Washington

Ryan Moelter ryanmoelter
An indie dev working on Heypenny

@Moeltenio California, USA

Sandy Mak sandymak
Software Developer and Foodie

@readworks New York

Kyle Ross gingerBadger
Web Developer @ Headspace Health

Headspace Health Prescott, AZ

Yaakov Bressler ybressler
Autodidact | Data Engineer. The truth matters.

Headspace New York

Emma Follette emmofolletto
:shipit: code and teams

@ Headspace online