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Yakus yakus12
Étudiant passionné d'informatique, déterminé à explorer les complexités du monde numérique pour renforcer la défense des entreprises sur internet.


Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

L-O-U-D Scav-engeR
Learning DevOps & Quantum Computing. Graphic illustrator Art Enthusiast EVERYST w/ VON STORM - SEQUOIA 🎼 Telegram - @Ghiddra

GTL Waves Pte Ltd. - WASP Corp. Singapore

The quest to become one who fully understands how the computer works starts by understanding basic systems. So I set forth to learn the basics to better myself.


mr_ofcodyx mrofcodyx
Hacking | Osint | Bugbounty


Computer button pusher // Autodidact since my childhood || SIN - SIN HACK - HACK || NO-CODE evangelist || Skiddie learning REDTEAMING - Black coffee like my sense of humor Saltinbank-SyS
I really don't know what iam doing but iam trying to do it well - DISCLAIMER BE AWARE U SHOULD know what U ARE DOING because tools on my repo ARE DANGEROUS

Pas encore recherché par la CIA : ça viendra j'ecrirai un livre ma foi ... Bunker type 612 de campagne ...