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Deploy IP Ask on AWS EKS

Non-comprehensive guide for running IP Ask (or any similar application) in AWS EKS.


Software installation and configuration

  • Install and configure awscli

    $ pacman -S aws-cli-v2
    $ aws configure
    AWS Access Key ID [None]: <your_key_id>
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <secret_access_key>
    Default region name [None]: us-east-1
    Default output format [None]: json
  • Install eksctl

    pacman -S eksctl
  • Install kubectl

    pacman -S kubectl
  • Request a public SSL/TLS certificate from AWS ACM and validate it with a DNS record

    aws acm request-certificate \
    --domain-name \
    --subject-alternative-names "" "*" \
    --key-algorithm EC_secp384r1 \
    --validation-method DNS \
    --idempotency-token 1000 \
    --options CertificateTransparencyLoggingPreference=ENABLED

    Note that CertificateTransparencyLoggingPreference must be enabled.

  • Set and export environment variables that are required for some of the commands later on

    export AWS_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME=my_eks_cluster
    export AWS_EKS_REGION=$(aws configure get region)
    export AWS_EKS_VERSION=1.28
    export AWS_EKS_CIDR=""
    export AWS_IAM_CERT_ARN="SSL/TLS certificate's ARN"
    export IPASK_VERSION="The latest tag for the prestigen/ipask image"

Create the AWS EKS cluster

  • Create

    All AWS_EKS_* environment variables must be set.

    envsubst < eks-cluster.yaml | eksctl create cluster -f -
  • Test

    $ kubectl get nodes
    NAME                            STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
    ip-192-168-10-86.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>   1m    v1.28.3-eks-e71965b
    ip-192-168-44-82.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>   1m    v1.28.3-eks-e71965b

Install AWS LB Controller for the Kubernetes cluster

Follow the official guide

kubectl apply -f

Install k9s

pacman -S k9s

Build and push the container to

Handled by the CI/CD

Deploy the web application to AWS EKS

The IPASK_VERSION environment variable must be set.

envsubst < k8s/ipask.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Create the K8s Ingress resource(s) and the AWS Application Load Balancer

The AWS_IAM_CERT_ARN environment variable must be set.

Choose option A or B.

  • (Option A): All HTTP requests are automatically redirected to HTTPS

    envsubst < alb-ingress.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

    Note: Due to the fact that curl does not automatically follow the new location when the server returns 301, it must be supplied with either the protocol (https://) or the -L flag:

    curl -L
  • (Option B): All HTTP requests except the ones coming from curl are redirected to HTTPS

    envsubst < alb-ingress-curl-workaround.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

    With this solution, the HTTP-to-HTTPS redirection is disabled for curl, which is why the following command will work but the communication will be unencrypted:


    wget on the other hand automatically initiates a new connection to the new HTTPS location provided in the 301 response:

    wget -qO -

Create DNS "A" record that points to the Application Load Balancer