The factory is intended to ease the usage/instanciation of CSV classes. As this library is composed of many wrappers, it could become tedious to have to instanciate a Reader and 2 or 3 more to wrap it. Builder goes a step further by allowing to chain factory calls without having to give the original reader at each step.
For instance :
use SplFileInfo;
use Popy\Csv\Reader\SplFileInfoReader;
use Popy\Csv\Reader\CharsetConverterReader;
use Popy\Csv\Reader\AutoNamedColumnReader;
$file = new SplFileInfo('/path/to/file.csv');
$reader = new SplFileInfoReader($file);
$reader = new CharsetConverterReader($reader, 'Windows-1252', 'UTF-8');
$reader = new AutoNamedColumnReader($reader);
foreach ($reader as $key => $value) {
// ...
use Popy\Csv\Factory\ReaderFactory;
$factory = new ReaderFactory();
$reader = $factory->getBuilder()
->charsetConvert('Windows-1252', 'UTF-8')
foreach ($reader as $key => $value) {
// ...
Please note that ReaderBuilder methods are the same than Factory method, without the first "Reader $reader" argument.
- getBuilder()
- fromFile(string|SplFileInfo $input)
- fromString(string $input)
- fromStream(resource $input)
- charsetConvert(Reader $reader, string $from, string $to)
- nameColumns(Reader $reader, array $columns)
- autoNameColumns(Reader $reader)