Shortcodes being used on
Shortcode information from WordPress codex.
- Featured Events Row
- Library Calendar
- Calendar List Display
- Random PPL Alum Row
- 2019 Exhibition Homepage Row
- Library Hours
- Capital Campaign Row
Displays a row of events pulled from the LibCal API.
PHP 📁 /Users/dcc/Sites/ppldev/wp-content/plugins/libcal-for-wordpress/inc/display/featured_events_display.php
SCSS/CSS 📁 /Users/dcc/Sites/ppldev/wp-content/plugins/libcal-for-wordpress/sass/partials/_eventFeed.scss
[featuredEvents display="scroll" all_events="yes" name=”Name”][/featuredEvents]
You can alter the display of this row by using these attributes
display="[scroll | grid]" _~ defaults to grid_
Set the display of the tiles as a horizontal row with a scroll bar or as a grid.
all_events="[yes | no]" _~ defaults to yes_
Pull in all upcoming events for the next 30 days if set to yes.
name="[name of event list]" _~ optional attribute_
If this attribute is set it overrides the all_events attribute and pulls in a curated feed of events set in the Library Calendar Admin.
Shortcode used to generate the full calendar display found on the calendar page on
PHP 📁 /Users/dcc/Sites/ppldev/wp-content/plugins/libcal-for-wordpress/inc/display/event_feed_full.php
SCSS/CSS 📁 /Users/dcc/Sites/ppldev/wp-content/plugins/libcal-for-wordpress/sass/partials/_fullCal.scss
Display a list of events from the LibCal API for the next 30 days. Event can be filtered using event categories. The shortcode can be set to display events fron one specific category using a shortcode attribute.
PHP 📁 /Users/dcc/Sites/ppldev/wp-content/plugins/libcal-for-wordpress/inc/display/event_feed_widget.php
SCSS/CSS 📁 /Users/dcc/Sites/ppldev/wp-content/plugins/libcal-for-wordpress/sass/partials/_eventFeed.scss
You can alter the display of this row by using these attributes
tag="[category tag name]" _~ defaults to All_
Optional attribute that can be used to specifiy a LibCal category tag used to display only events in that category on page load.
PHP 📁 /Users/dcc/Sites/ppldev/wp-content/themes/ppl/inc/ppl-alum.php
SCSS/CSS 📁 /Users/dcc/Sites/ppldev/wp-content/ppl/scss/partials/_alum.scss
SASS for Random Alum row begins on line 405
Pulls in random PPL Alum content from the PPL Alum custom post type. This row comes pre-styled and features a donation call to action button.
Pulls in data related to one of the 12 exhibition sites featured in the PPL 2019 exhibition 41.8219°, 71.7171°.
PHP 📁 /Users/dcc/Sites/ppldev/wp-content/themes/ppl/inc/exhibition.php
SCSS/CSS 📁 /Users/dcc/Sites/ppldev/wp-content/ppl/scss/partials/_exhibition2019.scss
Displays library hours set in the WordPress PPL Admin Area
PHP 📁 /Users/dcc/Sites/ppldev/wp-content/themes/ppl/inc/ppl-hours.php
Displays a row that features an image of the library pre-renovation and a rendering of the library post-renovation. The images, when hovered over, fade in and out or flip, depending on the attribute passed.
PHP 📁 /Users/dcc/Sites/ppldev/wp-content/themes/ppl/think-again.php
SCSS/CSS 📁 /Users/dcc/Sites/ppldev/wp-content/ppl/scss/partials/_homepage.scss