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Getting Started Windows

Bob Baker edited this page May 1, 2020 · 15 revisions

Download the Files

To get started download the latest release for your system at the Releases page.
The following Windows platforms will be supported:

  • Windows10-x64
  • Windows10-ARM (not common - for low budget Windows tablets)

In addition to the command-line programs, the SAP1Emu Project will also support a single GUI using Electron.NET, a wrapper around Electron allowing for ASP.NET Core Linkage.
This GUI should be able to run on Windows, Linux, and OSX with x64-bit architecture. ARM will most likely not be supported.

The GUI program is still under development, but instructions for installing it will be found here.

Extracting the Files

The files come as .zip files to save space when uploading. Windows10 should natively support .zip files.

  1. Download the file from the Releases page
  2. Right-Click the .zip file and select Extract All
  3. On the popup window, click Extract
  4. A new folder should appear next to the .zip file with the same name as the .zip file
  5. Click on this new folder, and you should see the following files

Installing the .Net Core Runtime

Use this installer from Microsoft Docs to install the .Net Core Runtime. for Windows10-x64

Testing the Download

The SAP1Emu command-line tools are "run in place". This means, once downloaded, you can just run the files without running an installer.

The SAP1Emu GUI will have an all-in-one installer.

To test the download, follow these steps:

  1. Open the folder where the .zip file was extracted to (SAP1Emu-CLI-win10-x64/)
  2. Open Command Prompt in this location by clicking the URL Bar at the top of the File Explorer and enter

and click Enter

  1. Once the Command Prompt window opens, type in the following and enter

You should see the following output:

If you see an error message regarding the .Net Core Runtime, please install using the link about (Extracting the Files, Step #6)

You're Done

Please see the Your First Program page to learn how to make the assembly files.