Cartoon Animator - AE Script Readme file Copyright (c) 2022, Reallusion, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cartoon Animator - AE Script is an AE script associated with software Cartoon Animator. User must have installed the full version of Cartoon Animator 5 to run this plug-in. You can click here: for more information about Cartoon Animator
To run this Cartoon Animator - AE Script, please make sure your After Effect software compatibility: CC 2018 ~ 2022, CS5 ~ 6.
Cartoon Animator: Cartoon Animator 5 is a 2D animation software designed for professional 2D creativity and animation design. The software features user-friendly animation tools for you to design the motion by simply dragging and applying. There are also a plethora of content resources for you to create character/scene animation fast, and make your story alive.
If you are not an Cartoon Animator user yet, you can download the free trial HERE: Want to know more about Cartoon Animator? :
Cartoon Animator - AE Script This is a AEscript that expedites 2D animation import workflow between Cartoon Animator and After Effects. You can import your animation work processed in CTA to AE effortlessly with just one click. It supports layered and transparent object-based export. By bringing layers of sprite from CTA to AE, users can perfectly edit every element in post production while preserving all animation keys. For users without AE, they can select and group animation assets and export as image sequence then edit in other post production software.
- Find "ScriptUI Panel" folder in the following location:
Adobe<Adobe After Effects 2022>\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels.
*Note: If you can't find them then create a folder with the name "ScriptUI Panels".
Copy "Cartoon Animator - AE Script.jsx" into the folder.
Restart After Effects, and navigate to Windows> "Cartoon Animator - AE Script.jsx" . Click on it, then you will get a float panel. You can dock the panel in your workspace in AE.
You can learn more about how to use AE Script for Cartoon Animator via: