(This documentation is partially out-of-date.)
The Lean standard library is contained in the following files and directories:
- init : constants and theorems needed for low-level system operations
- init/logic.lean : logical constructs and axioms
- init/data : concrete datatypes and type constructors
- init/algebra : algebraic structures
- tools : additional tools
The files in init
are loaded by default, and hence do not need to be
imported manually. Other files can be imported individually, but the
following is designed to load most of the standard library:
- standard : constructive logic and datatypes
Lean's default logical framework is a version of the Calculus of Constructions with:
- an impredicative, proof-irrelevant type
of propositions - universe polymorphism
- a non-cumulative hierarchy of universes,
Type 0
,Type 1
, ... aboveProp
- inductively defined types
- quotient types
Most of the standard
library does not rely on any axioms beyond this
framework, and is hence fully constructive.
The following additional axioms are defined in init
- quotients and propositional extensionality (in
) - Hilbert choice (in
Function extensionality is derived from the quotient construction, and
excluded middle is derived from Hilbert choice. For Hilbert choice and
excluded middle, use open classical
. The additional axioms are used
sparingly. For example:
- The constructions of finite sets and the rationals use quotients.
- The set library uses propext and funext, as well as excluded middle to prove some classical identities.
- Hilbert choice is used to define the multiplicative inverse on the reals, and also to define function inverses classically.
You can use #print axioms foo
to see which axioms foo
on. Many of the theories in the theories
folder are unreservedly