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199 lines (191 loc) · 17.8 KB

File metadata and controls

199 lines (191 loc) · 17.8 KB

Cvar list

The following conventions are used to describe argument types:

string - normal text characters
integer - whole numbers variable, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4
float - floating point value variable, e.g. 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7
bitflag - binary digit whole value variable, e.g. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc (or add 1+2 = 3, 1+2+4 = 7, etc)

Cvar color table

white red green blue yellow magenta cyan orange mdred mdgreen dkgreen mdcyan mdyellow mdorange mdblue ltgrey mdgrey dkgrey black


Engine/renderer (cl/r)

Cvar Argument type Value range Default Description
in_mouse integer 0-2 1 Switch mouse input type between default and raw (2)
con_height float 0.1-1.0 0.5 Change console height
cl_activateLean integer 0-1 1 Toggle leaning when holding move keys and +activate
r_bloom integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable bloom effect
con_type integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable con_color
con_colorRed float 0.0-1.0 0.5 Change console color in the red range
con_colorGreen float 0.0-1.0 0.5 Change console color in the green range
con_colorBlue float 0.0-1.0 0.5 Change console color in the blue range
con_colorAlpha float 0.0-1.0 1 Change console color opacity
r_mode integer -2-21 6 -2 - Use desktop resolution, -1 - custom
r_noborder integer 0-1 0 Borderless window
cl_demoPlayer integer 0-1 1 Enable/disable the new demo player

Mod (cg)

Cvar Argument type Value range Default Description
cg_teamChatTime integer 0-9999 8000 How much time in ms before chat fades out
cg_teamChatHeight integer 0-8 8 Number of chat lines to display
cg_crosshairPulse integer 0-1 1 Enable/disable pulsing of the crosshair.
cg_showFlags integer 0-1 1 Enable/disable scoreboard coutnry flags
cg_bloodDamageBlend float 0.0-1.0 1.0 Control blood blends when getting shot
cg_bloodFlash float 0.0-1.0 1.0 Control blood flash when getting shot
cg_crosshairAlpha float 0.0-1.0 1.0 Control crosshair opacity
cg_crosshairAlphaAlt float 0.0-1.0 1.0 Control crosshair alt opacity
cg_crosshairColor string Color table white Change crosshair color
cg_crosshairColorAlt string Color table white Change crosshair color alt
ch_font integer 0-2 0 Enable/disable OSP fonts
cg_drawWeaponIconFlash integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable weapon icon flashing when empty
cg_printObjectiveInfo integer 0-1 1 Enable/disable printing of OBJ notifications in kill feed
cg_noChat integer 0-1 0 Draw chat messages
cg_noVoice integer 0-1 0 Draw and play voice chat messages
cg_drawPickupItems integer 0-1 1 Draw item names upon pickup
cg_autoAction bitflag 0-1-2-4 0 Control auto actions. 1 - record demo, 2 - take screenshot, 4 - dump stats file, 7 - all
cg_chatAlpha float 0.0-1.0 0.33 Change chat background opacity
cg_chatBackgroundColor string color table "" Change chat background color
cg_chatBeep integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable chat sound notifications
cf_wstats float 0.0-99.0 1.2 Change +wstats window scale
cf_wtopshots float 0.0-99.0 1.0 Change +wtopshots window scale
cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable auto weapon switch when primary is out of ammo
cg_drawSpeed integer 0-4 0 Draw speed meter. 1 - current only, 2 - current and top, 3 - current with accel color, 4 - current and top with accel color
cg_speedX integer -999-999 315 Change speed meter position in the horizontal axis
cg_speedY integer -999-999 340 Change speed meter position in the vertical axis
cg_tracers integer 0-3 1 Draw bullet tracers. 1 - all, 2 - own only, 3 - other's only
cg_drawTriggers integer 0-1 1 Draw objeective triggers (for Shoutcasters only)
cg_hitsounds bitflag 0-1-2-4 0 Control hitsounds. 1 - headshot only, 2 - body only, 4 - team only, 7 - all
cg_hitsoundBodyStyle integer 1-5 1 Change body hit sound
cg_hitsoundHeadStyle integer 1-9 1 Change head hit sound
cg_spawnTimer_period integer 0-60 0 See here (use /timerset seconds)
cg_spawnTimer_set integer -1-60 -1 See here (use /timerset seconds)
cg_drawReinforcementTime integer 0-3 1 Draw respawn time. 1 - default, 2 - new, 3 - default and new
cg_reinforcementTimeColor string color table red Change respawn time color
cg_reinforcementTimeX integer -999-999 86 Change default respawn time position in the horizontal axis
cg_reinforcementTimeY integer -999-999 70 Change default respawn time position in the vertical axis
cg_reinforcementTimeProX integer -999-999 145 Change new respawn time position in the horizontal axis
cg_reinforcementTimeProY integer -999-999 445 Change new respawn time position in the vertical axis
cg_drawEnemyTimer integer 0-1 1 Draw enemy timer. 1 - default, 2 - new, 3 - default and new
cg_enemyTimerColor string color table green Change enemy timer color
cg_enemyTimerX integer -999-999 98 Change default enemy timer position in the horizontal axis
cg_enemyTimerY integer -999-999 60 Change default enemy timer position in the vertical axis
cg_enemyTimerProX integer -999-999 185 Change new enemy timer position in the horizontal axis
cg_enemyTimerProY integer -999-999 445 Change new enemy timer position in the vertical axis
cg_findMedic integer 0-1 1 Enable/disable camera lock at team medics when waiting for a revive
cg_zoomedSens float 0.0-99.0 .3 Change sensitivity when scoped
cg_zoomedSensLock integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable decreasing of sensitivity with each zoom step while scoped
cg_notifyTextX integer -999-999 0 Change kill feed position in the horizontal axis
cg_notifyTextY integer -999-999 42 Change kill feed position in the vertical axis
cg_notifyTextLines integer 0-32 5 Change kill feed max number of lines displayed
cg_notifyTextWidth integer 0-99 8 Change kill feed char width
cg_notifyTextHeight integer 0-99 8 Change kill feed char height
cg_notifyTextShadow integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable shadowing of kill feed
cg_notifyPlayerOnly integer 0-1 0 Only show your own kills in the killfeed (demo only)
cg_chatX integer -999-999 0 Change chat position in the horizontal axis
cg_chatY integer -999-999 385 Change chat position in the vertical axis
cg_teamOverlayX integer -999-999 640 Change team overlay position in the horizontal axis
cg_teamOverlayY integer -999-999 0 Change team overlay position in the vertical axis
cg_compassX integer -999-999 290 Change compass position in the horizontal axis
cg_compassY integer -999-999 420 Change compass position in the vertical axis
cg_lagometerX integer -999-999 585 Change lagometer position in the horizontal axis
cg_lagometerY integer -999-999 340 Change lagometer position in the vertical axis
cg_drawFrags integer 0-1 1 Enable/disable "you killed" frag center prints
cg_fragsY integer -999-999 0 Change frag center prints position in the vertical axis
cg_fragsWidth integer -999-999 16 Change frag center prints char width
cg_showPriorityText integer 0-1 1 Enable/disable objective taken/returned prints
cg_priorityTextX integer -999-999 0 Change objective taken/returned prints position in the horizontal axis
cg_priorityTextY integer -999-999 0 Change objective taken/returned prints position in the vertical axis
cg_lagometer integer 0-9999 0 1 - normal, 2 - draw speed, each increase from 2 increases max speed drawn, 2 - 2048, 3 - 3072, etc.
cg_draw2d integer 0-2 1 0 - No HUD, 1 - Normal HUD, 2 - xhair, killfeed, frag center print (demo only)
cg_showLimboMessage integer 0-1 0 Hide the Press X to open Limbo Menu message while dead
cg_teamObituaryColors integer 0-1 0 Force teammate and enemy name colors based on team
cg_customCrosshair integer 0-1 0 Enable/Disable the custom crosshair cvars
cg_customCrosshairHeight float 0.0-999.0 5 Vertical span of the crosshair
cg_customCrosshairWidth float 0.0-999.0 5 Horizontal span of the crosshair
cg_customCrosshairThickness float 0.0-999.0 1 Thickness of the non-center crosshair elements
cg_customCrosshairThicknessAlt float 0.0-999.0 1 Thickness of the crosshair center dot
cg_customCrosshairColor string RRGGBBAA 000000FF Hex color code in RGBA (00-FF range) of the non-center elements
cg_customCrosshairColorAlt string RRGGBBAA FFFFFFFF Hex color code in RGBA (00-FF range) of the center dot
cg_customCrosshairXOffset float -999.0-999.0 0 X-Axis offset from center of the non-center elements
cg_customCrosshairYOffset float -999.0-999.0 0 Y-Axis offset from center of the non-center elements
cg_customCrosshairXGap float 0.0-999.0 0 X-Axis gap from center of the horizontal crosshair elements
cg_customCrosshairYGap float 0.0-999.0 0 Y-Axis gap from center of the vertical crosshair elements
cg_customCrosshairVMirror integer 0-1 1 Horizontally mirror the lower half of the crosshair to the upper half


Engine (sv)

Cvar Argument type Value range Default Description
sv_wwwDownload integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable http downloads (currently disabled)
sv_wwwBaseURL string N/A URL to redirect clients to for HTTP downloads
sv_GameConfig string N/A "" Game fs/configs/name.config (server settings and cvar restrictions) to load at startup

Game (g)

Cvar Argument type Value range Default Description
team_nocontrols integer 0-1 1 Enable/disable team commands
match_warmupDamage integer 0-1 1 Enable/disable warmup damage
match_mutespecs integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable chat for spectators
match_minplayers integer 0-99 2 Minimum number of players for the server to start counting from
match_readypercent integer 0-100 100 Minimum percent of ready players in order to start a round
match_timeoutlength integer 0-9999 180 Pause time length (excluding countdown at resume)
match_timeoutcount integer 0-99 3 Maximum number of pauses allowed per team
vote_allow_comp integer 0-1 1 Allow/disallow voting of comp config
vote_allow_gametype integer 0-1 1 Allow/disallow voting to change gametype
vote_allow_kick integer 0-1 1 Allow/disallow voting to kick clients
vote_allow_map integer 0-1 1 Allow/disallow voting to change map
vote_allow_matchreset integer 0-1 1 Allow/disallow voting to reset match
vote_allow_mutespecs integer 0-1 1 Allow/disallow voting to mute spectators
vote_allow_nextmap integer 0-1 1 Allow/disallow voting to set next map
vote_allow_pub integer 0-1 1 Allow/disallow voting of pub config
vote_allow_referee integer 0-1 0 Allow/disallow voting for a referee
vote_allow_swapteams integer 0-1 1 Allow/disallow voting to swap teams
vote_allow_friendlyfire integer 0-1 1 Allow/disallow voting to enable/disable friendly fire
vote_allow_timelimit integer 0-1 0 Allow/disallow voting to change timelimit
vote_allow_warmupdamage integer 0-1 1 Allow/disallow voting to enable/disable warmup damage
vote_allow_antilag integer 0-1 1 Allow/disallow voting to enable/disable antilag
vote_allow_muting integer 0-1 1 Allow/disallow voting to mute clients
vote_allow_cointoss integer 0-1 1 Allow/disallow voting to toss a coin
vote_limit integer 0-99 3 Limit number of votes client could call per round
vote_percent integer 0-100 50 Percent of votes needed to pass a vote
g_antilag integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable antilag
g_screenShake integer 0-100 100 Set the percentage of screenshake at explosions clients will experience
g_preciseHeadHitBox integer 0-1 1 Enable/disable accurate head hit box animation
g_stats_curl_submit integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable submitting stats to remote URL
g_stats_curl_submit_URL string N/A URL to submit to
g_gameStatslog bitflag 0-16 16 Change JSON stats output. 1 - output stats, 2 - output wstats in player stats, 4 - output player stats in categories, 8 - output player stats by team, 16 - include additional data on "kill event"
refereePassword string N/A none Sets referee password (/ref password)
shoutcastPassword string N/A none Sets shoutcaster password (/scs password)
g_drawHitboxes integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable /draw_hitboxes
g_hitsounds integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable hitsounds globally
g_disableInv integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable clients losing invulnerability if they start shooting after revive
g_fastStabSound integer 0-3 0 1 - (OSP's) goat sound, 2 - humiliation sound, 3 - random between 1 or 2
g_axisSpawnProtectionTime integer 0-999 3000 Axis invulnerability time in ms after respawn
g_alliedSpawnProtectionTime integer 0-999 3000 Allied invulnerability time in ms after respawn
g_serverMessage string N/A "" Show center print message to first time connected clients
g_showFlags integer 0-1 1 Enable/disable geoIP flags
g_allowPMs integer 0-1 1 Enable/disable private messages (/m name)
g_mapConfigs integer 0-1 0 Enable/disable map configs (fs/mapConfigs/mapname.cfg)
g_lifeStats integer 0-1 0 Show killer stats to victim upon death
g_damageRadiusKnockback integer 0-9999 1000 Amount of damage to deal to clients at explosions
g_maxTeamPF integer -1-0 1 Max panzerfausts per team
g_maxTeamSniper integer -1-0 -1 Max snipers per team
g_maxTeamVenom integer -1-0 1 Max venoms per team
g_maxTeamFlamer integer -1-0 1 Max flamethrowers per team
g_antiWarp integer 0-1 1 Enable/disable antiwarp. See here
g_dropWeapons bitflag 0-9 9 Allow drop weapon for each class. 1 - soldier, 2 - eng, 4 - medic, 8 - lt
g_hsDamage integer 0-99 50 Set headshot damage
g_spawnOffset integer 0-99 9 Maximum spawn offset variance between teams (-1)
g_bodiesGrabFlags integer 0-1 1 Enable/disable dead clients grabbing flags
g_mapScriptDirectory string N/A "" Directory to load map scripts from (must be in fs)
g_allowForceTapout integer 0-1 1 Allow forcetapout globally
g_alternatePing integer 0-1 1 Display alternate ping - calculated from ps commands in mod instead of engine
g_fixedphysicsfps integer 0-333 125 Simulate framerate behavior for all clients
g_allowSS integer 0-1 0 Allow clients to use /reqss id
g_ssAddress string N/A none Remote address for SS e.g. hostname or ip:port
g_ssWebhookId string N/A none id contained in the discord webhook link (numbers only) e.g. webhooks/id/
g_ssWebhookToken string N/A none token contained in the discord webhook link (chars) e.g. webhooks/id/token
g_ssWaitTime integer 30-9999 30 wait time between reqss cmds to prevent spam
g_reviveSameDirection integer 0-1 0 when player is revived they will have same viewangle as death
g_logClientInput integer 0-1 0 turn on to log unknown client commands
g_clientLogFile integer 0-1 logs/clientInput.log log file for unknown client commands
g_broadcastClients integer 0-1 0 fix clients appearing from thin air on some maps - DO NOT USE 1 sound is bugged
g_logConfigStringChanges integer 0-1 0 logs specific config string changes to pinpoint issues with map objectives