State | When | What | Enter state | Leave state |
Online | While playing an online game | Device is only listensing for bluetooth packets | Receive a START packet | Receive and END packet OR Connection Lost (incomplete packet/no acknowledge) |
Ready | When user is not playing a game | Device is listening for bluetooth packets | Game ends | Game starts (online or offline) |
Offline | When user is playing an offline game | Device is not listening for packets | Offline game started (middle button pressed) | Offline game ends |
Everything in ASCII
Outgoing packet : Start of text (ASCII 2) + Command byte + argument + End of text (ASCII 3)
Receive : Acknowledge (ASCII 6)
+ L30
+ 0x03
turns on led number 30. Replies with 0x06
Command byte | Hexadecimal | Decimal | Name | Description | Argument |
P | 0x50 | 80 | Button pressed | Called when a button is pressed | Number of the button pressed (between 0-63) |
Command byte | Hexadecimal | Decimal | Name | Description | Argument |
B | 0x42 | 66 | Begin | Called to start online game | None |
E | 0x45 | 69 | End | Called to end online game | None |
I | 0x49 | 73 | Led OFF | Called to turn off led | Number of LED to turn off (between 0-63) |
O | 0x4F | 79 | Led ON | Called to turn on led | Number of LED to turn on (between 0-63) |
S | 0x53 | 83 | Shift out | Called to actually display changes with led on/off | None |