- Add stock item
- Edit stock item
- View stock item details
- Get list of stock items
- Delete stock item
- Add stock movement
Adds item to stock
URL: /stock_items/add
HTTP method: POST
"description":"Public description of this item",
"internal_comment":"Secret comment",
"name":"Item B",
curl -X POST \
-d "$data" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=123" \
name | type | description | default value |
description | string | item description | |
hide_in_autocomplete | int | hide item in autocomplete (0=no, 1=yes) | |
internal_comment | string | internal comment - will not be displayed on invoice | |
name | string | item name | |
sku | string | unique identifier of stock item | |
stock | float | number of units in stock. If is not set, stock movements will not be watched | |
unit | string | unit, e.g.: pcs, mm, m2, ... | |
unit_price | float | unit price | |
purchase_unit_price | float | purchase unit price | |
vat | float | VAT in percent | |
watch_stock | int | track inventory level (0=no, 1=yes) |
"data": {
"StockItem": {
"description": "Public description of this item",
"hide_in_autocomplete": 1,
"id": "1",
"internal_comment": "Secret comment",
"name": "Item B",
"sku": "itemb1241",
"stock": 123,
"unit": "m",
"unit_price": 19.95,
"vat": 20,
"watch_stock": 1
"StockLog": [
"log_data": "{\"purchase_unit_price\":10.99,\"purchase_vat\":null,\"purchase_currency\":null,\"unit_price\":19.95,\"vat\":20,\"currency\":null}",
"note": "Počiatočný stav skladu",
"quantity": 123
"error": 0,
"error_message": ""
Returns HTTP Status 400 (Bad request).
"error": 1,
"error_message": "Chýbajúce údaje",
"message": "Chýbajúce údaje"
Returns HTTP Status 403 (Forbidden).
"error": 1,
"error_message": "Ako používateľ typu Hosť nemáte oprávnenie na túto akciu.",
"message": "Ako používateľ typu Hosť nemáte oprávnenie na túto akciu."
Updates stock item
URL: /stock_items/edit/{ID}
HTTP method: PATCH
"name":"Item B",
curl -X PATCH \
-d "$data" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=123" \
name | type | description | default value |
id | int | stock item id |
name | type | description | default value |
description | string | item description | |
hide_in_autocomplete | int | hide item in autocomplete (0=no, 1=yes) | |
internal_comment | string | internal comment - will not be displayed on invoice | |
name | string | item name | |
sku | string | unique identifier of stock item | |
stock | float | number of units in stock. If is not set, stock movements will not be watched | |
unit | string | unit, e.g.: pcs, mm, m2, ... | |
unit_price | float | unit price | |
vat | float | VAT in percent | |
watch_stock | int | track inventory level (0=no, 1=yes) |
"data": {
"StockItem": {
"created": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"description": "Public description of this item",
"hide_in_autocomplete": true,
"id": 1,
"import_id": null,
"import_type": null,
"internal_comment": "Secret comment",
"modified": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"name": "Item B",
"purchase_currency": null,
"purchase_unit_price": null,
"purchase_vat": null,
"sku": "itemb1241",
"stock": 123,
"stock_previous": 123,
"unit": "kg",
"unit_price": 19.95,
"user_id": "1",
"user_profile_id": "1",
"vat": 20,
"watch_stock": true
"StockLog": [
"log_data": "{\"purchase_unit_price\":\"\",\"purchase_tax\":null,\"purchase_exchange_rate\":1,\"purchase_country_exchange_rate\":1,\"purchase_currency\":null,\"unit_price\":\"19.95\",\"tax\":20,\"exchange_rate\":1,\"country_exchange_rate\":1,\"currency\":\"EUR\",\"home_currency\":\"EUR\"}",
"note": "Ručná úprava stavu na sklade",
"quantity": 0
"error": 0,
"error_message": ""
Returns HTTP status 403 (Forbidden).
"error": 1,
"error_message": "Ako používateľ typu Hosť nemáte oprávnenie na túto akciu.",
"message": "Ako používateľ typu Hosť nemáte oprávnenie na túto akciu."
Returns HTTP status 400 (Bad request).
"error": 2,
"error_message": "StockItem id not found.",
"message": "StockItem id not found."
Returns HTTP status 404 (Not found).
"error": 2,
"error_message": "StockItem not found.",
"message": "StockItem not found."
Get details about stock item.
URL: /stock_items/view/{ID}
HTTP method: GET
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=123" \
URL parameters:
name | type | description | default value |
id | int | stock item ID |
"StockItem": {
"created": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"description": "Public description of this item",
"hide_in_autocomplete": true,
"id": "1",
"import_id": null,
"import_type": null,
"internal_comment": "Secret comment",
"modified": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"name": "Item B",
"purchase_currency": null,
"purchase_unit_price": null,
"purchase_vat": null,
"sku": "itemb1241",
"stock": 123,
"unit": "m",
"unit_price": 19.95,
"user_id": "1",
"user_profile_id": "1",
"vat": 20,
"watch_stock": true
Returns HTTP status 404 (Not found).
"error": 1,
"error_message": "StockItem not found",
"message": "StockItem not found"
Return list of stock items.
URL: /stock_items/index.json[/{ATTRIBUTE}:{VALUE}]*
HTTP method: GET
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=123" \
URL parameters:
name | type | description | default value |
direction | string | sorting type, ASC or DESC | DESC |
listinfo | int | show meta information for results (0=no, 1=yes) | 0 |
page | int | page number | 1 |
per_page | int | number of results per page | |
price_from | float | price from | |
price_to | float | price to | |
search | string | searches substring in the following fields:
sku | string | search by sku (base64 encoded string: "itemb1241" = "aXRlbWIxMjQx") | |
sort | string | sorting attribute | 'regular_count' |
status | int | if 1 - shows only items that are in stock |
JSON array of objects
name | type | description | default value |
created | datetime | date and time of creation | |
description | string | item description (is displayed on invoice) | |
hide_in_autocomplete | bool | hide in autocomplete (null = no) | |
id | int | item ID | |
import_id | int | import ID (if is not from import = null) | |
import_type | string | import type ('efaktury' or null ) |
internal_comment | string | internal comment (isn't displayed on invoice) | |
modified | datetime | date and time of modification | |
name | string | item name | |
sku | int | stock item identifier (e.g. ABC123) | |
stock | float | number of items in stock | |
unit | string | unit (e.g. ks, kg) | |
unit_price | float | unit price | |
user_id | int | user ID | |
user_profile_id | int | user profile ID | |
vat | float | VAT in percent (e.g. 20) | |
watch_stock | bool | track inventory level |
"StockItem": {
"created": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"description": "Public description of this item",
"hide_in_autocomplete": true,
"id": "1",
"import_id": null,
"import_type": null,
"internal_comment": "Secret comment",
"modified": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"name": "Item B",
"purchase_currency": null,
"purchase_unit_price": null,
"purchase_vat": null,
"sku": "itemb1241",
"stock": 123,
"unit": "m",
"unit_price": 19.95,
"user_id": "1",
"user_profile_id": "1",
"vat": 20,
"watch_stock": true
"itemCount": 1,
"items": [
"StockItem": {
"created": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"description": "Public description of this item",
"hide_in_autocomplete": true,
"id": "1",
"import_id": null,
"import_type": null,
"internal_comment": "Secret comment",
"modified": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"name": "Item B",
"purchase_currency": null,
"purchase_unit_price": null,
"purchase_vat": null,
"sku": "itemb1241",
"stock": 123,
"unit": "m",
"unit_price": 19.95,
"user_id": "1",
"user_profile_id": "1",
"vat": 20,
"watch_stock": true
"page": 1,
"pageCount": 1,
"perPage": 50
Delete stock item
URL: /stock_items/delete/{ID}
curl -X DELETE \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=123" \
URL parameters:
name | type | description | default value |
id | int | stock item ID |
"data": {
"StockItem": {
"created": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"description": "Public description of this item",
"hide_in_autocomplete": true,
"id": "1",
"import_id": null,
"import_type": null,
"internal_comment": "Secret comment",
"modified": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"name": "Item B",
"purchase_currency": null,
"purchase_unit_price": null,
"purchase_vat": null,
"sku": "itemb1241",
"stock": 123,
"unit": "m",
"unit_price": 19.95,
"user_id": "1",
"user_profile_id": "1",
"vat": 20,
"watch_stock": true
"error": 0,
"error_message": ""
Returns HTTP status 400 (Bad request).
"error": 1,
"error_message": "Invalid stock item id",
"message": "Invalid stock item id"
Returns HTTP status 404 (Not found).
"error": 1,
"error_message": "StockItem not found",
"message": "StockItem not found"
Returns HTTP status 500 (Internal server error)
"error": 2,
"error_message": "Error deleting stock item."
Returns HTTP status 403 (Forbidden).
"error": 1,
"error_message": "Ako používateľ typu Hosť nemáte oprávnenie na túto akciu.",
"message": "Ako používateľ typu Hosť nemáte oprávnenie na túto akciu."
URL: /stock_items/addStockMovement
HTTP method: POST
curl -X POST \
-d "$data" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=123" \
Either sku
or stock_item_id
is required.
name | type | description | default value |
created | date | date of movement in YYYY-MM-DD |
<current> |
note | string | description of movement | |
purchase_currency | string | ||
purchase_unit_price | float | ||
purchase_tax | float | VAT | |
quantity | float | negative number = outgo, positive = income | 1 |
sku | string | unique stock item identifier | |
stock_item_id | int | stock item ID to which movement will be assigned | |
unit_price | float | stock item ID to which movement will be assigned | |
tax | float | VAT |
"data": {
"StockLog": [
"currency": "EUR",
"id": 0,
"log_data": "{\"purchase_unit_price\":0.97,\"purchase_tax\":22,\"purchase_currency\":\"SEK\",\"unit_price\":1.23,\"tax\":25,\"currency\":\"EUR\"}",
"purchase_currency": "SEK",
"purchase_tax": 22,
"purchase_unit_price": 0.97,
"quantity": 5,
"sku": "itemb1241",
"stock_item_id": "1",
"tax": 25,
"unit_price": 1.23
"error": 0,
"error_message": ""
"error": 3,
"error_message": "StockItem empty data."
URL: /stock_items/movements/{ID}
HTTP method: GET
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=123" \
URL parameters:
name | type | description | default value |
id | int | stock item ID |
URL parameters:
name | type | description | default value |
direction | string | sorting type, ASC or DESC | ASC |
page | int | page number | 1 |
per_page | int | number of results per page | |
sort | string | sorting attribute |
"itemCount": 9,
"pageCount": 5,
"perPage": 2,
"page": 2,
"items": [
"StockLog": {
"id": "1",
"stock_item_id": "9",
"user_id": "22",
"user_profile_id": "12",
"invoice_id": null,
"expense_id": null,
"document_item_id": null,
"quantity": 0,
"note": "Ručná úprava stavu na sklade",
"document": null,
"document_subtype": null,
"log_data": "{\"purchase_unit_price\":\"0.1200\",\"purchase_tax\":null,\"purchase_exchange_rate\":1,\"purchase_country_exchange_rate\":1,\"purchase_currency\":null,\"unit_price\":\"0.1\",\"tax\":20,\"exchange_rate\":1,\"country_exchange_rate\":1,\"currency\":\"EUR\",\"home_currency\":\"EUR\"}",
"created": "2050-10-10 09:27:17",
"modified": "2050-10-10 09:27:17"
"StockLog": {
"id": "2",
"stock_item_id": "9",
"user_id": "22",
"user_profile_id": "12",
"invoice_id": null,
"expense_id": null,
"document_item_id": null,
"quantity": 2,
"note": "Test",
"document": null,
"document_subtype": null,
"log_data": "{\"purchase_unit_price\":\"0.1200\",\"purchase_tax\":null,\"purchase_exchange_rate\":1,\"purchase_country_exchange_rate\":1,\"purchase_currency\":null,\"unit_price\":\"0.1\",\"tax\":20,\"exchange_rate\":1,\"country_exchange_rate\":1,\"currency\":\"EUR\",\"home_currency\":\"EUR\"}",
"created": "2050-10-10 09:27:25",
"modified": "2050-10-10 09:27:25"
Returns HTTP status 404 (Not found).
"error": 1,
"error_message": "StockItem not found",
"message": "StockItem not found"