Methods. How to short? From 2.0, shorter got a whole one method. const { Shorter } = require(""); const YOUR_URL = ""; const shrt = new Shorter(YOUR_URL); const shorted = await shrt.short(); const shortedWithPassAndEmoji = await shrt.short({ pass: "HelloWorld", emoji: true }); const shortedWithPassAndCode = await shrt.short({ pass: "HelloWorld", code: "ExampleShortingYooo" }); console.log(shorted); console.log(shortedWithPassAndEmoji); console.log(shortedWithPassAndCode) In params you can set pass, make emojicode or your code. { pass: "Here your password.", code: "HereYourCode", emoji: true } Ok, how to get info about code? Simple. const { Info } = require(""); const YOUR_CODE = "example"; const info = new Info(YOUR_CODE); console.log(await info) I wrote that markdown at 3:00pm.