The BlueCap PeripheralManager implementation replaces CBPeripheralManagerDelegate protocol implementations with with a Scala Futures interface using SimpleFutures. Futures provide an interface for performing nonblocking asynchronous requests and serialization of multiple requests. This section will give example implementations for supported use cases.
- PowerOn/PowerOff: Detect when the bluetooth transceiver is powered on and off.
- Add Services and Characteristics: Add services and characteristics to a Peripheral application.
- Advertising: Advertise a Peripheral application.
- Set Characteristic Value: Set a characteristic value for a Peripheral application.
- Update Characteristic Value: Send characteristic value update notifications to Centrals.
- Respond to Characteristic Write: Respond to characterize value writes from a Central.
- iBeacon Emulation: Emulate an iBeacon with a Peripheral application.
- State Restoration: Restore state of
using iOS state restoration. - Errors: Description of all errors.
is a direct mapping to CBManagerState
public enum ManagerState: CustomStringConvertible {
case unauthorized
case unknown
case unsupported
case resetting
case poweredOff
case poweredOn
The state of CBPeripheralManager
is communicated to an application by the PeripheralManager
public func whenStateChanges() -> FutureStream<ManagerState>
To process events,
let manager = PeripheralManager(options: [CBPeripheralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey : "us.gnos.BlueCap.peripheral-manager-documentation" as NSString])
let stateChangeFuture = manager.whenStateChanges()
stateChangeFuture.onSuccess { state in
switch state {
case .poweredOn:
case .poweredOff, .unauthorized:
case .resetting:
case .unknown:
case .unsupported:
and Characteristics
are added to a PeripheralManager
application before advertising.
provides the following methods used for managing Services
// add a single service
public func add(_ service: MutableService) -> Future<Void>
// remove a service
public func remove(_ service: MutableService)
// remove all services
public func removeAllServices()
provides the methods for adding MutableCharacteristics
// add characteristics
public var characteristics = [MutableCharacteristic] {get set}
// create characteristics from profiles
public func characteristicsFromProfiles()
A PeripheralManager
application adds MutableServices
and MutableCharacteristics
enum AppError: Error {
case invalidState
case resetting
case poweredOff
case unsupported
case unlikely
let manager = PeripheralManager(options: [CBPeripheralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey : "us.gnos.BlueCap.peripheral-manager-documentation" as NSString])
let service = MutableService(uuid: TISensorTag.AccelerometerService.uuid)
let characteristic = MutableCharacteristic(profile: RawArrayCharacteristicProfile<TISensorTag.AccelerometerService.Data>())
// Add Characteristic to Service
service.characteristics = [characteristic]
let addServiceFuture = manager.whenStateChanges().flatMap { state -> Future<Void> in
guard let manager = manager else {
throw AppError.unlikely
switch state {
case .poweredOn:
return manager.add(self.accelerometerService)
case .poweredOff:
throw AppError.poweredOff
case .unauthorized, .unknown:
throw AppError.invalidState
case .unsupported:
throw AppError.unsupported
case .resetting:
throw AppError.resetting
startAdvertiseFuture.onFailure { error in
guard let manager = manager else {
switch error {
case AppError.poweredOff:
case AppError.resetting:
case AppError.unsupported:
First MutableServices
and MutableCharacteristics
are created using the TISensorTag.AccelerometerService
profile. The Characteristic
is then added to the Service
and when .powerOn
is received existing services are removed and the new 'Service` added.
Also, An error was added to handle PeripheralManager
state transitions other than .powerOn
and PeripheralManager#reset
is used to recreate CBPripheralManager
After Services
and Characteristics
have been added the PeripheralManager
is ready to begin advertising. PeripheralManager
provides the following methods to manage advertisement,
// start advertising with name and services
public func startAdvertising(_ name: String, uuids: [CBUUID]? = nil) -> Future<Void>
// stop advertising
public func stopAdvertising(timeout: TimeInterval = 10.0) -> Future<Void>
A PeripheralManager
application can start advertising after MutableServices
and MutableCharacteristics
are added,
let serviceUUID = CBUUID(string: TISensorTag.AccelerometerService.uuid)
let startAdvertisingFuture = addServiceFuture.flatMap { _ -> Future<Void> in
guard let manager = manager else {
throw AppError.unlikely
manager.startAdvertising(, uuids: [serviceUUID])
Here the addServiceFuture
is completed after Services
are added and PeripheralManager
is advertising that it supports the TISensorTag.AccelerometerService
A MutableCharacteristic
value can be set any time after its supporting MutableService
has been successfully added to PeripheralManager
. The value
is defined by,
var value : NSData? {get set}
A PeripheralManager
application can set a MutableCharacteristic
value using,
characteristic.value = Serde.serialize(Enabled.yes)
guard let value: Enabled = characteristic.value {
If a MutableCharacteristic
supports either CBCharacteristicProperties
of CBCharacteristicProperties.notify
, CBCharacteristicProperties.indicate
, CBCharacteristicProperties.notifyEncryptionRequired
, or CBCharacteristicProperties.indicateEncryptionRequired
and a MutableService
supporting the MutableCharacteristic
have been successfully added to PeripheralManager
a Central
can subscribe to value updates. In addition to setting the new value an update notification must be sent. MutableCharacteristic
provides the following methods to support notification updates,
// update with Data
public func update(withData value: Data) throws
// update with String
public func update(withString value: [String:String]) throws
// update with object supporting Deserializable
public func update<T: Deserializable>(_ value: T) throws {
// update with object supporting RawDeserializable
public func update<T: RawDeserializable>(_ value: T) throws
// update with object supporting RawArrayDeserializable
public func update<T: RawArrayDeserializable>(_ value: T) throws
// update with object supporting RawPairDeserializable
public func update<T: RawPairDeserializable>(_ value: T) throws
// update with object supporting RawArrayPairDeserializable
public func update<T: RawArrayPairDeserializable>(_ value: T) throws
All methods throw
if the MutableCharacteristic
either has not been added to PeripheralManager
or supports none of the notify CBCharacteristicProperties
. Additionally update(withString:)
will throw
if the String
value cannot be serialized. If the value is updated and there are no subscribers or the system CoreBluetooth update fails the update will be queued and sent when a Central
subscribes or the system indicates that updates can continue. In addition to sending an update notification to a subscribing Central
sets the MutabaleCharacteristic
Peripheral applications would send notification updates using,
let updateStatus = try characteristic.updateValue(
If a MutableCharacteristic
supports CBCharacteristicProperties.write
a Central
can change the MutableCharacteristic
value. MutableCharacteristic
supports the following methods supporting write requests,
// start processing write requests with specified stream capacity
public func startRespondingToWriteRequests(capacity: Int = Int.max) -> FutureStream<(request: CBATTRequestInjectable, central: CBCentralInjectable)>
// respond to received write request
public func respondToRequest(_ request: CBATTRequestInjectable, withResult result: CBATTError.Code)
// stop processing write requests
public func stopRespondingToWriteRequests()
CBATTRequest encapsulates Central write requests, CBATTError encapsulates the response error code and a SimpleFutures.
applications would start responding to Central
writes requests using,
let writeResponseFuture = characteristic.startRespondingToWriteRequests(capacity: 10)
writeResponseFuture.onSuccess { [weak characteristic] (request, _) in
guard let characteristic = characteristic else {
throw AppError.unlikely
guard request.value.length == 1 else {
characteristic.respondToRequest(request, withResult:CBATTError.InvalidAttributeValueLength)
characteristic.value = request.value
characteristic.respondToRequest(request, withResult:CBATTError.Success)
Here the length of the Characteristic
value is expected to be 1 byte.
applications will stop responding to write requests using,
emulation does not require MutableServices
or MutableCharcteristics
to be added to PeripheralManager
. Only advertising is required. PeripheralManager
provides the following methods supporting iBeacon
// start advertising beceacon region
public func startAdvertising(_ region: BeaconRegion) -> Future<Void>
// stop advertising
public func stopAdvertising(timeout: TimeInterval = 10.0) -> Future<Void>
Creation of a FutureLocation BeaconRegion
is also required,
public convenience init(proximityUUID: UUID, identifier: String, major: UInt16, minor: UInt16, capacity: Int = Int.max)
The BeaconRegion
parameters are,
proximityUUID | The proximityUUID of the beacon targeted. |
identifier | A unique identifier for region used by application. |
major | The major value can be used to distinguish between different beacons with the same proximityUUID. |
minor | The minor value can be used to distinguish between different beacons with the same proximityUUID and major value. |
A PeripheralManager
application would use the flooring to advertise and iBeacon,
enum AppError: Error {
case invalidState
case resetting
case poweredOff
case unsupported
let manager = PeripheralManager(options: [CBPeripheralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey : "us.gnos.BlueCap.peripheral-manager-documentation" as NSString])
let uuid = UUID(uuidString: "B9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6D")!
BeaconRegion(proximityUUID: uuid, identifier: "iBeacon", major: 1, minor: 1)
let startAdvertiseFuture = manager.whenStateChanges().flatMap { state -> Future<Void> in
guard let manager = manager else {
throw AppError.unlikely
switch state {
case .poweredOn:
return manager.startAdvertising(beaconRegion)
case .poweredOff:
throw AppError.poweredOff
case .unauthorized, .unknown:
throw AppError.invalidState
case .unsupported:
throw AppError.unsupported
case .resetting:
throw AppError.resetting
startAdvertiseFuture.onFailure { error in
switch error {
case AppError.poweredOff:
case AppError.resetting:
case AppError.unsupported:
_ = manager.stopAdvertising()
See the Beacon Example for details.
CoreBluetooth provides state restoration for apps that have declared bluetooth-peripheral
background execution permission. Apps with this permission can be restarted with a previous state if evicted from memory while in the background.
provides the following method to process the restored application state,
public func whenStateRestored() -> Future<PeripheralAdvertisements>
public enum PeripheralManagerError: Swift.Error {
// Thrown by startAdvertising if the PeripheralManager is already advertising
case isAdvertising
// Thrown is state restoration fails
case restoreFailed
// Thrown if the stop advertising timeout is exceeded
case stopAdvertisingTimeout
public enum MutableServiceError: Swift.Error {
// MutableService has no CBMutableService.
case unconfigured
public enum MutableCharacteristicError : Swift.Error {
// Thrown by startRespondingToWriteRequests and update if Mutablecharcteristic has not been added to a PeripheralManager
case unconfigured
// Thrown by update(withString:) if String Characteristic value cannot be serialized
case notSerializable
// Thrown by update if Characteristic notifiy or indicate property is not enabled
case notifyNotSupported