Author: Erin White
A difficult thing done once:
- Upload files to Primo server
- ssh to your primo server
sudo su - primo
cd /your/path/to/libweb/customized
- Download any new files to this new directory.
- If there are javascript files that need to be linked up, add the
tags to theheader.html
files in/your/path/to/libweb/customized/static_htmls
- Add CSS files to CSS mapping table in Primo Backoffice
- Log in to the Primo backoffice
- Advanced Configuration -> Mapping Tables -> CSS
- Create a new CSS configuration with a descriptive name and a list of CSS files separated by semicolon. Use the Primo default CSS as the base. Note the directory structure for custom CSS files.
- For handheld styles, create another new CSS for handheld. Use mobile.css for the base.
- Save.
- Apply CSS theme(s) to view
- Primo backoffice -> Ongoing configuration -> Views
- Choose the active view
- Select the CSS configurations you just created:
- Click through the view steps and deploy the view.
- Verify that the updates are showing.
- Update files on Primo server:
- ssh to your Primo server
sudo su - primo
cd /your/path/to/libweb/customized
- [Optional] back up old JS/CSS files:
cp search-handheld.css search-handheld.css.bak
cp search.css search.css.bak
cp search.js search.js.bak
- Copy over any changed files. There is probably a better way to do this, but I wget the newest files from our production web server. In most cases it will just be the two CSS files and maybe the JS:
wget http://your-website/search.css
wget http://your-website/search-handheld.css
wget http://your-website/search.js
- The files will have a .1 on the end of the filename so need to be renamed:
mv search.css.1 search.css
mv search-handheld.css.1 search-handheld.css
mv search.js.1 search.js
- Deploy CSS updates in the Primo backoffice:
- Primo backoffice -> Ongoing configuration -> Views
- Choose the active view
- Make sure the correct CSS configurations are selected:
- Click through the view steps and deploy the view.
- Verify the changes are showing on the public interface.