vvvv allows you to export a patch into an executable, standalone program. In order to do so, open the Application Exporter via Quad > Export...
or shortcut F10.
Choose which application to export (in case you have multiple projects open at the same time).
Choose where the exported program and files will be created.
After a successful export, the output directory will contain a directory with the name of your application. Inside this directory you find the executable. To run the program on another PC you need to copy the whole content of this directory.
Choose an .ico file to be associated with the generated executable.
Choose how assets will be referenced in the exported application:
- Relative to document: This option is most useful during development, to quickly test exports without having to worry about moving assets around. Assets will be referenced from where they are.
- Relative to output: Use this option for final exports: It requires you to manually place your assets relative to the generated executable as they were relative to your root document during development. Like this the whole output can then be moved around and deployed to other PCs.
Choose between Windows (GUI) or Console application. A Console app will open a Windows Console and run the Update operation for only one frame, then immediately Dispose itself.
Use a KeepAppAlive node to prevent this default behavior.
Choose the OS for which to create output for. If you choose Any, export will create executables for all available targets, otherwise only for the one selected OS.
Choose between CPU architectures x64 (64bit), x86 (32bit) or any.
Choose between Windows or Console app. A Console app will open a windows Console and run the Update operation for only one frame, then immediately Dispose itself.
Use a KeepAppAlive node to prevent this default behavior.
If active, removes artefacts of previous exports (ie. deletes the \src folder) before exporting. This will cause exports to take longer but also makes sure previous artefacts don't interfere with the new export.
- Press the Export button and wait until the green progressbar is full and the Run button becomes available
- Press Run to test/run your program
- Explore Output: opens a file explorer at the specified output directory
Next to the application directory you'll also find a \src
directory. This is an artefact that vvvv creates during export and can be safely deleted.
.NET developers may find this interesting though, as it contains a completely valid c# solution of the exported project that can be opened, viewed and modified with Visual Studio.
If your application is referencing VL.Stride, make sure the target PC also has the following dependencies installed:
- Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables: 64bit or 32bit
- .NET8 SDK (For FileTexture and FileModel nodes to work)
For applications exported with this older version of vvvv, you'll also have to install:
The build process can be customized in many details. Next to your main .vl file, place a .props file with the same name. This is actually an .xml file which you can configure to your needs using MSBuild syntax.
- Args [System] to access commandline arguments the app was called with
- Nodes from the advanced [System.Console] category
- Terminal.Gui for creating console applications with a text based UI
Referencing the nuget VL.CoreLib.Windows adds the following nodes:
- SetWindowState and WindowState
- SetWindowMode
These allow you to configure the renderers caption, controlbox, framing and more.
In order to have your executables to run without a warning on other PCs, you need to sign them with a certificate using SignTool.
Chances are that you're missing a dependency on the target PC. See Dependencies above.
In case the export fails, the console will be opened to show there was an error.
The Application Exporter reporting a problemThis error originates from Stride. If you're facing this issue, please try this workaround:
- From within vvvv open the NuGet command line
Quad menu -> Manage NuGets -> Commandline
- From the commandline execute:
nuget install System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs -version 6.0.4
copy System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.6.0.4\lib\net6.0\System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dll %userprofile%\.nuget\packages\stride.core.assets.compilerapp\\lib\net8.0
- Now try the export again
If the file in question is ijwhost.dll
it might work to specify:
in the .props file you can edit via Advanced build configuration
as explained here.
Read the red error message carefully. There will be a reason given for the problem you're facing. If that reason hints at incompatible packages, you may have accumulated packages in your NuGet folder over time, which prevent the export from succeeding. In such a case try starting from a clean NuGet folder. Here are the steps to do so:
- Open your NuGet folder:
Quad menu -> Manage NuGets -> Show Installed
opens yourC:\Users\..\AppData\Local\vvvv\gamma\nugets
folder - Close vvvv
- Go one level up from your NuGet folder and rename it so you have:
- Open vvvv and your patch
- The document menu will be red, meaning it's missing referenced dependencies
- Click the
Document menu -> Dependencies
and rightclick to select all missing dependencies, then choose: "Install exact referenced version" - Wait for all packages to be installed again, then try the export again
This may happen when you have packages referenced as source repository. To still get a successful export in such cases you can try:
- In the export log find the line starting with "dotnet publish -c Release" and copy the whole commandline
- close vvvv
- open a commandline (cmd.exe)
- paste the command and run it
There is a known incompatibility with newer versions of MSBuild tools than what vvvv expects. So in order to make sure the right version of MSBuild tools is installed do as follows:
- Uninstall all versions of Visual Studio and Build Tools you can find on your machine
- Then run the vvvv 2021.4.x installer again with having the “Build Tools” checkbox enabled
Please send us the console output by pressing "Copy To Clipboard" and pasting it to us via the forum.