Two versions of a simple game simmilar to the bouncing ball game that is invoked on facebook messenger after touching ball icon. The first - SFML version, was written in 2019 and it was one of my first game projects. The second is implemented on a top of a small game engine writen with modern OpenGL and GLFW. Game performance is the same on both implementations. There is one difference which is not counting score in OpenGL version because i didn't managed to implement text rendering in the engine yet.
- Texture class
- Sprite class
- Renderer class
- Quick entry point
- State manager
- Resource manager
- Simplicity of use
You will need Visual Studio 2019. Both projects provide generate_project.bat script. Launch it for VS2019 project generation and everything should be ready for building and running. In OpenGL version you have to manually add a reference from BouncingBall project to GameEngine project.