A simple currency converter application that fetches exchange rates and allows users to convert amounts between different currencies.
- Fetches real-time exchange rates from Open Exchange Rates API.
- Converts amounts between selected currencies.
- Validates user input for currency selection and amount.
- net/http for http requests to the currency exchange api
- github.com/charmbracelet/huh for the TUI interface form
- encoding/json in order to marshal the data for the api
- Go (version 1.14 or later)
- An API key from [Open Exchange Rates]
Please select the currency you wish to convert FROM:
- United States Dollar
- Great Britain Pound
- Euro
- Japanese Yen
- South African Rand
Please enter the amount you wish to convert: ? 100
Please select the currency you wish to convert TO:
- United States Dollar
- Great Britain Pound
- Euro
- Japanese Yen
- South African Rand
Converted amount: 85.00 GBP