About me: iOS developer with experience in creating large-scale applications from scratch to release in the App Store. Specializes in developing custom applications using modern architecture and technologies.
- Frameworks: Alamofire, Spring, SwiftyGif, Firebase, Kingfisher, AppMetricaCore, ReachabilitySwift, Starscream, Sourcery, Lottie, SkeletonView, PocketSVG, PermissionWizard, SnapKit.
- Databases: CoreData, Realm, Firebase, UserDefaults.
- Architectures: MVP, MVC, MVVM, Clean Swift, VIPER, MVI (based on Kotlin).
- Technologies: AutoLayout, SOLID, CI/CD, Git.
- Dependency managers: CocoaPods, Carthage.
- Testing: Unit tests, UI tests.
I have experience in creating applications on version > 13 iOS from scratch, developing design systems and custom interfaces. I understand the life cycle of applications and can write readable and applicable code. Worked in close cooperation with project managers, analysts, designers and testers. I implemented modern designs and technologies for scalability and stability of applications. I constantly strive to learn new technologies and improve my skills. I have experience in independent programming
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