In this lesson students should create simple a JavaScript game
- Use jQuery lib create app, which consist three screens
- First screen should contain start button and title, look at figure below
- the Second screen should contain a timer, button (start again), and field with 5x5 cells.
- Every cell should contain a number of different colors and sizes (min five variants).
- The order of the numbers must be random from 1 to 25 each time
- The player must choose numbers from 1 to 10 in the correct sequence
- The sequence can be changed at the request of the teacher
- If the player choose incorrect number from the sequence, error window will popup with the message " Не вірна цифра" And the game begins again
- If user choose all correct numbers, congratulation window will popup with the message "Вітаю ви виграли"
- Third screen should contain a table with all results and the best result must be highlighted
- Use jQuery UI dialog for showing popup