👀 I'm a M.S. student in aerospace engineering 🚀 at Georgia Tech. My main interests revolve around applying ML, AI, systems analysis, and data science to topics in aerospace engineering and related industries. That said, I'm always open to exploring a wide range of engineering experiences!
BS/MS AE Student @ Georgia Tech
- Coursework: Object-Oriented Programming, Computing for Engineers, Linear Algebra, Dynamics, Thermodynamics & Fluid Fundamentals, Engineering Graphics & Design, Calc 1-3
- Self Learn: Data Structures & Algorithms, C++ Development, Scripting, SQL Essential Training
Current: Graduate Research Assistant @ Planetary Exploration Lab
- Working toward developing embedded software and hardware for the Electronic Life-detection Instrument for Enceladus/Europa (ELIE), advancing its Technology Readiness Level (TRL) by enhancing data acquisition and processing capabilities.
Software Engineer Intern @ SpaceX
- Developed high-performance C++ code for millisecond-scale tasks, performing hardware-in-the-loop (HITL) testing and transferring critical satellite data.
RF Summer Research Intern @ MIT Lincoln Laboratory
- Worked on developing comprehensive MBSE analysis of radar backend using MagicDraw, Matlab Radar Toolbox, and Python script
- Designed, SMT soldered, and tested PCB to monitor the health and status of radar components
Space Summer Research Intern @ MIT Lincoln Laboratory
- Worked on developing a novel modeling capability in MATLAB that leveraged orbital physics, parallel computing, and optimization techniques to provide data used in engineering systems analysis trade studies
Model-Based Systems Engineering Research Assistant @ Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory
- Worked on modeling and simulating an underwater rocket launch and habitable lunar platform using MagicDraw, OpenMBEE, version control, and REST API.
- TensorFlow, Scikit-learn (ML)
- OpenCV, Matplotlib (Image Processing)
- Pandas, NumPy (Data Analysis)
- PyBlueZ, Gattlib, Pyyaml (Signal Processing)
- Object Oriented Programming
- Graphics & Game Design
- Web Dev
- Node.js Amazon Alexa Skills
- Bash, CMD
- Tangram (ML)
- Linux, Raspbian (Debian Linux)
Bluetooth Contact-Tracing VIEW PROJECT
Key Technologies Used: Python, Python Bluetooth Libraries, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib
Used Python and Bluetooth libraries to successfully demonstrate the feasibility of Bluetooth Low Energy for automated proximity-detection for COVID-19 by conducting Raspberry Pi signal experiments
Used Matplotlib for data visualization and Numpy & Pandas to parse CSV data and run statistical analysis on key signal parameters such as RSSI (received signal Strength) to design a proximity detection algorithm based on COVID TC4TL (“Too close for too long”) parameters
CubeSat Active Debris Removal VIEW PROJECT
Key Technologies Used: Python, TensorFlow, Computer Vision, Finite Element Analysis, Dynamic Motion Analysis, 3D CAD
- 3D Printed Physically built CubeSat mockup prototype containing embedded systems and low-light cameras and IMU sensors
- Simulated prototype performance with dynamic motion and finite element analysis (FEA) in Autodesk Inventor
- Used Python and Tensorflow to train ML model on a curated dataset and implemented model into debris detection script yielding 95% confidence per detection