This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Clone the Repository: git clone cd your-reposagdas
Install Dependencies: npm install
Run the Application: npm start
Initialization: The application starts with a blank page and a sidebar containing three draggable components: Label, Input, and Button. The page has a local state components to store the components on the page, and selectedComponent to keep track of the selected component for editing.
Drag and Drop: Components in the sidebar are draggable (draggable attribute) with the handleDragStart function storing the dragged component type. The page has a drop area (onDrop event) that triggers the handleDrop function, adding a new component at the drop position with default configurations.
Rendering Components: Components are rendered on the page using the map function on the components state. Each component is a draggable element with its position, size, and content based on its type.
Selection and Editing: Clicking on a component triggers the handleElementClick function, setting the selected component index. The selected component is highlighted with a red border, and its configuration can be edited in the modal.
Editing Modal: The modal is opened when a component is selected. The modal contains input fields for X and Y coordinates, text content, font size, and font weight. Changes can be made in the modal, and the "Save Changes" button updates the component's configuration.
Deletion: The "Delete" button in the modal triggers the handleDelete function, removing the selected component.
Local Storage: The useEffect hooks manage loading and saving components to local storage to persist changes across page reloads.