Python package for snaping/rounding colors to other colors/palettes.
Colorsnap comes with predefined palettes for CSS 2-4 and can also take custom ones defined by you as input and then snap/round a specified color to the closes one in the given palette.
pip install colorsnap
import colorsnap
Available palettes:
- CSS_2
- CSS_2_1
- CSS_3
- CSS_4
colorsnap.snap_color(colorsnap.palettes.CSS_3, '#0000ba')
# >>> ('#0000ba', 'mediumblue')
# Using a custom palette
palette = {
'black': '#000000',
'gray': '#808080',
'white': '#ffffff',
colorsnap.snap_color(palette, '#0000ba')
# Using a custom palette with unnamed colors
palette = ['#4286f4', '#414449']
color_snap.snap_color(palette, '#5588db')
# >>> ('#5588db', '#4286f4')