This code can be used to reproduce the results from the work (on arXiv, or Mathematical Programming):
[1] Yoel Drori, Adrien B Taylor, "Efficient First-order Methods for Convex Minimization: a Constructive Approach", Mathematical Programming, 2019.
- Yoel Drori
- Adrien Taylor
To use the code, download the repository and add it to the path in Matlab.
- This code requires YALMIP along with a suitable SDP solver (e.g., Sedumi, SDPT3, Mosek).
- The files in the PESTO_files folder requires the installation of the Performance Estimation Toolbox (PESTO).
(1) Subspace-search elimination procedure (SSEP):
This script shows how to reproduce the results from Table 1 and Figure 1 in the paper (numerical computations of efficient formulations). This script also allows generating new Data/* files (saved SSEP step-sizes and worst-case guarantees), that can be used for validating the results with the pesto files.GFOM_SmoothStronglyConvex
This function generates worst-case certificates for the GFOM in the smooth (possibly strongly) convex case, along with the SSEP-based fixed-step method.FactoredSSEP_SmoothStronglyConvex
This function generates an efficiently-implementable (factored) method from the SSEP-based method for smooth (possibly strongly) convex minimization.FixedSteps_SmoothStronglyConvex
This function generates worst-case certificates for fixed-step methods for smooth (possibly strongly) convex minimization.
(2) PESTO_* files:
Numerically computes the worst-case performance of the GFOM for non-smooth convex minimization.pesto_GreedyFirstOrderMethod_Smooth
Numerically computes the worst-case performance of the GFOM for smooth (possibly strongly) convex minimization.pesto_GreedyFirstOrderMethod_SmoothStrCvx
Numerically computes the worst-case performance of the GFOM for smooth strongly convex minimization.pesto_SSEP_SubgradientMethod
Numerically computes the worst-case performance of the SSEP-based subgradient method for non-smooth convex minimization.pesto_SSEP_SmoothStronglyConvex.m
Numerically computes the worst-case performance of the SSEP-based gradient method for smooth strongly convex minimization (using Data/* files, see below).pesto_FactoredSSEP_SmoothStronglyConvex.m
Numerically computes the worst-case performance of the (factored) SSEP-based gradient method for smooth strongly convex minimization (using Data/* files, see below).pesto_OptimizedGradientMethod
Numerically computes the worst-case performance of OGM for smooth (possibly strongly) convex minimization.pesto_StronglyConvexFastGradientMethod
Numerically computes the worst-case performance of FGM for smooth strongly convex minimization.pesto_StronglyConvexTripleMomentumMethod
Numerically computes the worst-case performance of TMM for smooth strongly convex minimization.
(3) Data/* files: contains step-size and worst-case guarantees for a few values of N and kappa.
The following code is contained in demo_script.m
% This script allows reproducing results from Table 1 and Figure 1.
% (Illustration of the SSEP procedure for generating a
% fixed-step method for smooth strongly convex minimization)
clc; clear all;
N = 10; % Number of iterations
L = 1; % Lipschitz constant
kappa = 100; % Condition number 1 < kappa <= Inf
R = 1; % Initial condition; i.e., ||x0-x*|| <= R
verb = 0; % Verbose solver ? [0/1]
saved = 0; % Save data ? [0/1]
mu = L/kappa;% Strong convexity (defined from condition number)
fprintf('Computing ... (a few seconds for N=10, possibly much longer when increasing N)\n')
[Algo, wc_GFOM, err, h] = FactoredSSEP_SmoothStronglyConvex(R,mu,L,N,verb);
fprintf('Computation for GFOM (1/3): DONE\n')
[wc_SSEP] = FixedSteps_SmoothStronglyConvex(h,N,L,mu,R,verb);
fprintf('Computation for SSEP (2/3): DONE\n')
[wc_FactoredSSEP] = FixedSteps_SmoothStronglyConvex(Algo.h,N,L,mu,R,verb);
fprintf('Computation for Factored SSEP (3/3): DONE\n')
fprintf(['Worst case guarantee for GFOM: L||x0-x*||^2/%5.2f \t for SSEP:'...
'L||x0-x*||^2/%5.2f \t for factored SSEP: L||x0-x*||^2/%5.2f\n'],...
1/wc_GFOM, 1/wc_SSEP, 1/wc_FactoredSSEP)
fprintf('Error max|h_ij - h_ij''|=%5.4e\n',max(max(abs(Algo.h-h))))
fprintf('Values for zeta_i (for 1<=i<=N in increasing i ordering):\n')
fprintf('Values for eta (for 1<=i<=N in increasing i ordering):\n')
fprintf('Saving data\n')
if saved
fileName = sprintf('../Data/Stepsizes_GFOM_N%d_kappa%d',N,round(kappa));
eta = Algo.eta;
zeta = Algo.zeta;