- This project has been developed by a team of 4 Java Back-End developers during our project week in Masai School.
- This REST-API will facilitate the citizen with an option to register and schedule the vaccination session online in vaccination centers of their choice.
- The Citizen self-registration module will ensure fool-proof identification of deserving candidates for receiving the vaccines.
- The objective is to handhold the citizens to register and schedule an appointment for vaccination
- Java
- Spring Framework
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA
- Hibernate
- Swagger
- Login, Logout Module
- User Module
- Admin Module
- User and Admin authentication & validation with session uuid having.
- Admin Features:
- Administrator Role of the entire application
- Only registered admins with valid session token can add/update/delete driver or customer from main database
- Admin can access the details of different Member ,Vaccine Center ,Vaccine Inventory and Vaccine Ragistration.
- User Features:
- A user can register himself or herself on the platform.
- He/She can check the vaccine centres and vaccine availabilty.
- After booking an appointment, he will get appointment details for the vaccine dose.
- Before running the API server, you should update the database config inside the application.properties file.
- Update the port number, username and password as per your local database config.