This Customer Management Application serves as a powerful tool for businesses looking to efficiently manage customer data with secure access and seamless integration capabilities. The application utilizes modern technologies such as Spring Boot, MySQL, and JWT authentication, along with a user-friendly frontend built using HTML/CSS/JavaScript. This makes it a comprehensive solution for organizations aiming to enhance their customer relationship management processes. It also includes a synchronization feature to fetch and update customer data from an external remote API using RestTemplate.
- Role-Based Authentication: Supports admin and user roles with appropriate access controls.
- Admin & User Login: admin and user can log in securely.
- View Customers: Display a list of all customers for both Admin and User.
- Add Customer: Allows admin and user to create new customer records with Bydefault role "User".
- Edit Customer:Only Admin can Update existing customer information.
- Delete Customer:Only Admin can Remove customer records.
- Search: Admin and User both can Filter customers by various criteria.
- Data Synchronization: Admin and User both can Sync customer data with an external API.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Backend: Spring Boot, Java
- Database: MySQL
- Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens), Spring Security
- Java 8 or above
- Maven
- Spring
- MySql
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the backend directory:
cd Sunbase_Assignment_Backend
Run the command for creation database on mysql command line
"create database sunbase"
Build the project with Maven:
mvn clean install
Run the application:
mvn spring-boot:run
Running server on port 8080
NOTE:- When the application run at first time then autometically resister an admin with role "ADMIN" Username:- & Password:- admin@123 If any admin is not in database
Open the application in your web browser.
Navigate to the login page.
Enter These login credentials because whenever we run application then Admin credentials stored in database if admin not exist.
User Name:- Password:- admin@123
Upon successful login, you will be redirected to the customer list page.
- Add Customer: Click the "Add Customer" button and fill out the popup form.
- Edit Customer: Click the edit button next to the customer you want to edit.
- Delete Customer: Click the delete button next to the customer you want to delete.
- Search Customers: Use the search bar to filter customers by keyword.
POST /api/sunbasedata/auth/login
- Login endpoint (Basic Auth)
GET http://localhost:8080/api/sunbasedata/customers-list?page=0&size=1&sort=string
- Get all customers with pageblePOST http://localhost:8080/api/sunbasedata/register-customer
- Add a new customerDELETE http://localhost:8080/api/sunbasedata/delete-customer/{id}
- Delete a customer by ID
Endpoint: /search
Method: GET
Description: Search and filter customers by various criteria.
Query Parameters:
: Filter by name (applies to both first and last name).city
: Filter by city.state
: Filter by
: Filter by
: Page number (default is 0).size
: Page size (default is 10).sort
: Sort by field (default isfirst_name
: Sort direction (asc
, default isasc
Example Request:
GET http://localhost:8080/api/sunbasedata/search-customers?page=0&size=10&sort=firstName&dir=asc
POST http://localhost:8080/api/sunbasedata/sync-customers
- Sync customers with the backend
- Login Form: Handles user login and stores JWT token In DOM.
- Add Customer Button: Open the register page and submits new customer data to the backend.
- Sync Button: Syncs customer data with the backend.
- Search Input: Filters customer list based on search keyword.
- Sort section: sort customer list asc and desc order
- fetchCustomer: Fetches and displays customer data and renders customer data in the table
- displayCustomers: Renders customer data in the table.
- updateCustomer: Update the customer data and reloads the customer list.
- deleteCustomer: Deletes a customer and reloads the customer list.
- registerCustomer: Register the customer and reloads the customer list.