Powerful node based visual scripting toolkit for Unity.
Still in earlier development and may have frequent API changes, do not use it in any production environment
Add following dependencies to manifest.json
"dependencies": {
"com.kurisu.chris": "https://github.com/AkiKurisu/Chris.git",
"com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json": "3.2.1"
Introducing the core concepts of Ceres.
Introducing the code generation inside Ceres.
Unity 2022.3 LTS or later.
Support Mono, IL2CPP.
Ceres relies on full generic sharing since Unity 2022 to support generic node in IL2CPP.
Powerful visual scripting solution inspired from Unreal's Blueprint.
Included in this repository.
See Startup Flow.
AI powered dialogue visual designer for Unity.
Is migrating to Ceres version, see Next-Gen-Dialogue/ceres_main.
Support Ceres to serialize any object and edit them in editor, also providing contextual event used in Flow.
Support Ceres to execute node in async.