This repo documents the steps from zero to monorepo using yarn
Mistakes will be made, thus lessons learned.
- Node 16.10.0
corepack enable
yarn init -2
cd apps/ui
yarn init -y
cd apps/api
yarn init -y
cd packages/ui-components
yarn init -y
yarn dlx husky-init --yarn2 && yarn
yarn husky add .husky/commit-msg 'yarn commitlint --edit $1'
yarn add --dev @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional
module.exports = { extends: ["@commitlint/config-conventional"] };
yarn workspace ui add react react-dom
yarn workspace ui add --dev @types/react tailwindcss@latest autoprefixer@latest postcss@latest vite typescript @vitejs/plugin-react @tailwindcss/forms @types/react-dom
yarn workspaces monorepo with vite, react, tailwind - VS Code fails to resolve packages
yarn workspace api add --dev @types/express typescript ts-node
yarn workspace api build
yarn workspace api start