This is just a repository to present BndOff project for my cv.
Business owners by using this application can add discount tickets to sell their products more efficiently, scan discount tickets as qr-code to expire tickets, managing their own wallet, view related transactions and etc.
- Different state of network calls handeled and showes proper message or screen to user and implemented as reusable code,
- Implemented custome loading button for loading,
- Using paging for trasactions list,
- Using constant messages api introduced retenctly by google to auto complet verify code,
- Using Rxjava for reactive programming,
- Implemented in app auto update without api of google play (it works with our api in the Bitanik System)
The app uses MVVM [Model-View-ViewModel] architecture to have a unidirectional flow of data, separation of concern, testability, and a lot more.