Fixed legs (no knee and, hence, no leg actuation)
Structure made of aluminum 20x20 V-slotted profiles
Powered by ODrive field-oriented controller
2 BLDC (D5065) motors and (as of now) incremental encoders (CUI AMT102)
3D-printed motor housings, battery holder and cooling fan supports
RPI 4B, 8GB RAM as the onboard computer (also provides wifi connectivity), with Ubuntu 20.04 OS and PREEMPT-RT kernel, CAN-SPI hat (from Seedstudio)
Sensing unit:
Encoder feedback from the axes (thorugh ODrive CAN interface)
Orientation, gyro, acc information over CAN from the on board IMU stack (made of Arduino Nano IoT/BLE sense/RP2040, sensor fusion Adafruit BNO085 for accurate orientation data and the older BNO055 which is used to get calibrated gyro readings and keep a high sensor data rate, >=100Hz). The IMU stack interfaces with the RPI using the CAN SPI click 3.3V board
6s LiPo battery for powering the entire system
Arduino holds all code and custom libraries associated with the onboard microcontroller
RPI_Ubuntu_20.04_server holds some files associated to the particular configuration of the used Raspberry Pi (currently 4B, 8 GB RAM)