Run your truffle tests with the standard Jest
test runner instead of truffle test
. For more information, visit our
blog post.
NOTE: This implementation is still very much a work in progress. It can be used for testing, but it should not be used for any serious development yet.
NOTE: This project only supports truffle@beta for now
# run all tests
$ jest
# run all tests and keep watching for changes
$ jest --watchAll
# run just a subset of your tests
$ jest --testNamePattern=Test
Please take a look a the example.
mkdir demo
cd demo
npm install -g truffle@beta
truffle init
npm init -y
npm install --save truffle-jest jest @types/jest
// package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "jest"
// jest.config.js
module.exports = {
verbose: true,
setupTestFrameworkScriptFile: "./jest.setup.js",
runner: "truffle-jest/lib/runner",
globalSetup: "truffle-jest/lib/setup",
globalTeardown: "truffle-jest/lib/teardown",
testEnvironment: "truffle-jest/lib/environment"
// jest.setup.js
// Optional: Reset clean room after every test instead of every file
beforeEach(() => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
At Asure, we where experimenting with truffle test execution. In particular
we wanted to execute truffle tests with the standard test runner instead of
using truffle test
have all features of the test runner available.
Advantages that we're most interested in are
- executing only some tests instead of all
- easy IDE integration (WebStorm, etc.)
- clean room environment per test instead of hole test suite possible
The current flaws are
- does not support tests written in solidity
- no event logs on failed tests
A special thank goes to the Truffle team!