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Clothing Article Browsing

Traxler Bálint edited this page Mar 20, 2024 · 14 revisions


Goal of the function

The goal of the function is to provide the possibility to the user the explore the available clothing articles of the webshop.


The clothing article browsing feature set contains the following screens:

  1. Featured Clothing Article Screen

    • The screen is accessible from the top level navigation component.
    • On this screen the user can see its recommended clothing articles.
    • The recommendation pages are loaded into the infinite scrolling list.
    • If the article loading fails, the user is notified with a non-dismissive snackbar. The snackbar contains retry action.
    • From here the user can navigate to "Search Clothing Article Screen" using the trailing icon on the top app bar.
    • From here the user can navigate to "Clothing Article Details Screen" by choosing any clothing article.
  2. Search Clothing Article Screen

    • The screen is accessible from the "Featured Clothing Article Screen".
    • On this screen, the user can specify what kind of clothing articles it is searching.
    • The user can choose from the options below:
      • The user can specify the name or its part of the article it is looking for.
      • The user can specify the name or its part of the brand of the article it is looking for.
      • The user can specify the minimum and maximum amount of price of the search clothing articles.
      • The user can select what kind of categorical attributes (color, shade, graphical appearance, index name, garment group name) must have the searched clothing articles.
    • The user can navigate back to "Featured Clothing Article Screen" using the back button on the top app bar.
    • The user can navigate to the "Clothing Article Search Results Screen" after clicking the search button
      • The button is inactive by default, and becomes active after the user enters valid filter options.
      • If the user enters invalid filtering options, it must be shown on the screen on the input field or using snackbars, and the button becomes inactive.
    • If the user navigates back from the "Clothing Article Search Results Screen", the previous filtering options must be displayed
  3. Clothing Article Search Results Screen

    • The user can find on this screen the results of its previously initiated clothing article search operation.
    • If the query has many results, the result pages are loaded into the infinite scrolling list.
    • If the article loading fails, the user is notified with a non-dismissive snackbar. The snackbar contains retry action.
    • The user can navigate back from here to "Search Clothing Article Screen" by using the back button on the top app bar.
    • From here the user can navigate to "Clothing Article Details Screen" by choosing any clothing article.
  4. Clothing Article Details Screen

    • In this screen the user can see every detail of a clothing article.
    • Using the back button on the top app bar, the user can navigate back to the previous screen.
    • If the article loading fails, the user is notified with a non-dismissive snackbar. The snackbar contains retry action.
    • Using the FAB on the screen, it can add the clothing article to its shopping basket. After the clothing article is added to the basket, the user is navigated to the "Shopping Basket Screen". If the user navigates back from the "Shopping Basket Screen", it is navigated to the "Featured Clothing Article Screen".
    • If the "Add to basket operation fails" (that can be initiated with the FAB), the user is notified with a dismissive snackbar, and no navigation happens.

Data attributes

        string name PK "Must be at least 1 character, maximum 64 characters long. Can contain the letters of Hungarian ABC (it includes English ABC), numbers, whitespace and the following characters: comma,;,.,?,!, single and double quote,#,&,@,(,),-,+,%,=,/.."
        int price "The price of the article in HUF. Minimum value is 500, maximum value is 250.000."
        string brand PK "Must be at least 1 character, maximum 64 characters long. Can contain the letters of Hungarian ABC (it includes English ABC), numbers and whitespace."
        string color "Categorical variable."
        string shade "Categorical variable."
        string graphicalAppearance "Categorical variable."
        string indexName "Categorical variable."
        string garmentGroupName "Categorical variable."
        string description "It can be maximum 4096 characters. Can contain the letters of Hungarian ABC (it includes English ABC), numbers, whitespace, and the following characters: new line, comma,;,.,?,!, single and double quote,#,&,@,(,),-,+,%,=,/. Can't start and end with newline, and two new line characters cannot be adjacent."
        string imageUrl "Contains the article's image's URL. Its origin and the beginning of its path always the same for every entity."

        string namePart "Can contain only such characters, that clothing article name can contain, and its maximum possible length is the same as the clothing article name attribute's maximum length."
        string brandPart "Can contain only such characters, that clothing article brand can contain, and its maximum possible length is the same as the clothing article brand attribute's maximum length."
        nullableInt minimumPrice "Its minimum and maximum value is the same as the price attribute of clothing article. If maximumPrice is specified, it must be lower or same."
        nullableInt minimumPrice "Its minimum and maximum value is the same as the price attribute of clothing article. If minimumPrice is specified, it must be higher or same."
        string[] colors "Must contain valid color values of the color attribute of clothing article."
        string[] shades "Must contain valid color values of the shade attribute of clothing article."
        string[] graphicalApperances "Must contain valid color values of the graphicalApperance attribute of clothing article."
        string[] indexNames "Must contain valid color values of the indexName attribute of clothing article."
        string[] garmentGroupNames "Must contain valid color values of the garmentGroupName attribute of clothing article."

Possible values of color attribute:

  1. Beige
  2. Black
  3. Blue
  4. Bluish Green
  5. Brown
  6. Green
  7. Grey
  8. Khaki Green
  9. Lilac Purple
  10. Metal
  11. Mole
  12. Orange
  13. Pink
  14. Red
  15. Turquoise
  16. White
  17. Yellow
  18. Yellowish Green
  19. Other

Possible values of shade attribute:

  1. Bright
  2. Dark
  3. Dusty Light
  4. Light
  5. Medium
  6. Medium Dusty
  7. Other

Possible values of graphicalAppearance attribute:

  1. All over pattern
  2. Application/3D
  3. Argyle
  4. Chambray
  5. Check
  6. Colour blocking
  7. Contrast
  8. Denim
  9. Dot
  10. Embroidery
  11. Front print
  12. Glittering/Metallic
  13. Hologram
  14. Jacquard
  15. Lace
  16. Melange
  17. Mesh
  18. Metallic
  19. Mixed solid/pattern
  20. Neps
  21. Other pattern
  22. Other structure
  23. Placement print
  24. Sequin
  25. Slub
  26. Solid
  27. Stripe
  28. Transparent
  29. Treatment

Possible values of indexName attribute:

  1. Baby Sizes 50-98
  2. Children Accessories
  3. Swimwear
  4. Children Sizes 134-170
  5. Children Sizes 92-140
  6. Divided
  7. Ladies Accessories
  8. Ladieswear
  9. Lingeries/Tights
  10. Menswear
  11. Sport
  12. Other

Possible values of garmentGroupName attribute:

  1. Accessories
  2. Blouses
  3. Dressed
  4. Dresses Ladies
  5. Dresses/Skirts girls
  6. Jersey Basic
  7. Jersey Fancy
  8. Knitwear
  9. Outdoor
  10. Shirts
  11. Shoes
  12. Shorts
  13. Skirts
  14. Socks and Tights
  15. Special Offers
  16. Swimwear
  17. Trousers
  18. Trousers Denim
  19. Under
  20. Nightwear
  21. Woven/Jersey/Knitted mix Baby
  22. Other


1. Featured Clothing Article Screen

Identifier English value Hungarian value
featured_clothing_article_screen_top_app_bar_title Featured articles Kiemelt árucikkek
featured_clothing_article_screen_clothing_article_list_loading_failure_snackbar_text Failed to load articles Sikertelen árucikk betöltés

2. Search Clothing Article Screen

Identifier English value Hungarian value
search_clothing_article_screen_top_app_bar_title Search Keresés
search_clothing_article_screen_name_text_field_label Name Név
search_clothing_article_screen_brand_text_field_label Brand Márka
search_clothing_article_screen_minimum_price_text_field_label Minimum price Minimális ár
search_clothing_article_screen_maximum_price_text_field_label Maximum price Maximális ár
search_clothing_article_screen_search_button_text Search Keresés

3. Clothing Article Search Results Screen

Identifier English value Hungarian value
clothing_article_search_results_screen_top_app_bar_title Results Találatok
clothing_article_search_results_screen_no_results_text No appropriate clothing article was found. Nem találtunk a keresési feltételeknek megfelelő ruházati árucikket.
clothing_article_search_results_screen_results_list_loading_failure_snackbar_text Failed to load results Nem sikerült betölteni a találatokat
clothing_article_search_results_screen_no_results_description No appropriate clothing article was found. Nem találtunk megfelelő ruházati árucikket.
clothing_article_search_results_screen_no_results_back_button_text Change filter Szűrés megváltoztatása

4. Clothing Article Details Screen

Identifier English value Hungarian value
clothing_article_details_screen_top_app_bar_title Details Részletek
clothing_article_details_screen_brand_name_text by által
clothing_article_details_screen_price_text HUF Ft
clothing_article_details_screen_description_label Description Részletek

5. Clothing Article Card Component

Identifier English value Hungarian value
clothing_article_card_component_button_text More details Részletek

6. Common action names

Identifier English value Hungarian value
common_action_name_retry Retry Újra

7. Common clothing article attribute names

Identifier English value Hungarian value
common_clothing_article_attribute_name_color_label Color Szín
common_clothing_article_attribute_name_shade_label Shade Árnyalat
common_clothing_article_attribute_name_graphic_apperance_label Graphic apperance Megjelenés típus
common_clothing_article_attribute_name_index_name_label Index name Részleg
common_clothing_article_attribute_name_garment_group_name_label Garment group Ruhacsoport

8. Clothing article color names

Identifier English value Hungarian value
clothing_article_colors_beige Beige Bézs
clothing_article_colors_black Black Fekete
clothing_article_colors_blue Blue Kék
clothing_article_colors_bluish_green Bluish Green Kékes Zöld
clothing_article_colors_brown Brown Barna
clothing_article_colors_green Green Zöld
clothing_article_colors_grey Grey Szürke
clothing_article_colors_khaki_green Khaki Green Khaki Zöld
clothing_article_colors_lilac_purple Lilac Purple Lila
clothing_article_colors_metal Metal Fém
clothing_article_colors_mole Mole Mole
clothing_article_colors_orange Orange Narancssárga
clothing_article_colors_pink Pink Rózsaszín
clothing_article_colors_red Red Piros
clothing_article_colors_turquoise Turquoise Tükörkék
clothing_article_colors_white White Fehér
clothing_article_colors_yellow Yellow Sárga
clothing_article_colors_yellowish_green Yellowish Green Sárgás Zöld
clothing_article_colors_other Other Egyéb

9. Clothing article shade names

Identifier English value Hungarian value
clothing_article_shades_bright Bright Világos
clothing_article_shades_dark Dark Sötét
clothing_article_shades_dusty_light Dusty Light Poros Világos
clothing_article_shades_light Light Világos
clothing_article_shades_medium Medium Közepes
clothing_article_shades_medium_dusty Medium Dusty Közepes Poros
clothing_article_shades_other Other Egyéb

10. Clothing article graphical appearance names

Identifier English value Hungarian value
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_all_over_pattern All over pattern Összes minta
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_application_3d Application/3D Alkalmazás/3D
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_argyle Argyle Argyle
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_chambray Chambray Chambray
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_check Check Kockás
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_colour_blocking Colour blocking Szín blokkolás
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_contrast Contrast Kontraszt
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_denim Denim Farmer
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_dot Dot Pöttyös
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_embroidery Embroidery Hímzés
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_front_print Front print Első nyomtatás
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_glittering_metallic Glittering/Metallic Csillámló/Fém
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_hologram Hologram Hologram
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_jacquard Jacquard Jacquard
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_lace Lace Csipke
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_melange Melange Melange
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_mesh Mesh Háló
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_metallic Metallic Fémek
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_mixed_solid_pattern Mixed solid/pattern Vegyes szilárd/minta
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_neps Neps Neps
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_other_pattern Other pattern Egyéb minta
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_other_structure Other structure Egyéb szerkezet
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_placement_print Placement print Helyezési nyomtatás
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_sequin Sequin Flitter
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_slub Slub Slub
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_solid Solid Szilárd
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_stripe Stripe Csík
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_transparent Transparent Átlátszó
clothing_article_graphical_appearance_treatment Treatment Kezelés

11. Clothing article index names

Identifier English value Hungarian value
clothing_article_index_name_baby_sizes_50_98 Baby Sizes 50-98 Baba Méretek 50-98
clothing_article_index_name_children_accessories Children Accessories Gyermek Kiegészítők
clothing_article_index_name_swimwear Swimwear Fürdőruha
clothing_article_index_name_children_sizes_134_170 Children Sizes 134-170 Gyermek Méretek 134-170
clothing_article_index_name_children_sizes_92_140 Children Sizes 92-140 Gyermek Méretek 92-140
clothing_article_index_name_divided Divided Osztott
clothing_article_index_name_ladies_accessories Ladies Accessories Női Kiegészítők
clothing_article_index_name_ladieswear Ladieswear Női Ruházat
clothing_article_index_name_lingeries_tights Lingeries/Tights Alsónemű/Harisnya
clothing_article_index_name_menswear Menswear Férfiruházat
clothing_article_index_name_sport Sport Sport
clothing_article_index_name_other Other Egyéb

12. Clothing article garment group names

Identifier English value Hungarian value
clothing_article_garment_group_name_accessories Accessories Kiegészítők
clothing_article_garment_group_name_blouses Blouses Blúzok
clothing_article_garment_group_name_dressed Dressed Ruha
clothing_article_garment_group_name_dresses_ladies Dresses Ladies Női Ruha
clothing_article_garment_group_name_dresses_skirts_girls Dresses/Skirts girls Lány Ruha/Szoknya
clothing_article_garment_group_name_jersey_basic Jersey Basic Alapvető Jersey
clothing_article_garment_group_name_jersey_fancy Jersey Fancy Divatos Jersey
clothing_article_garment_group_name_knitwear Knitwear Kötött Ruha
clothing_article_garment_group_name_outdoor Outdoor Kültéri
clothing_article_garment_group_name_shirts Shirts Ing
clothing_article_garment_group_name_shoes Shoes Cipő
clothing_article_garment_group_name_shorts Shorts Rövidnadrág
clothing_article_garment_group_name_skirts Skirts Szoknya
clothing_article_garment_group_name_socks_and_tights Socks and Tights Zokni és Harisnya
clothing_article_garment_group_name_special_offers Special Offers Különleges Ajánlatok
clothing_article_garment_group_name_swimwear Swimwear Fürdőruha
clothing_article_garment_group_name_trousers Trousers Nadrág
clothing_article_garment_group_name_trousers_denim Trousers Denim Farmer Nadrág
clothing_article_garment_group_name_under Under Alsónemű
clothing_article_garment_group_name_nightwear Nightwear Éjjeli Ruha
clothing_article_garment_group_name_woven_jersey_knitted_mix_baby Woven/Jersey/Knitted mix Baby Szövött/Jersey/Kötött keverék Baba
clothing_article_garment_group_name_other Other Egyéb

* the parts marked between <> characters must be replaced with appropriate dynamic values on the client


Operations of the backend

The backend provides the following operations:

  1. Get recommended clothing articles

    • pagination is supported (last item's ID must be sent)
    • the results are sent in descending order of recommendation score.
  2. Search articles

    • pagination is supported (last item's ID must be sent)
    • the results are sent in descending order of article creation date.

Network protocol

Every operation of the backend is available using GraphQL.

Pagination page size

The backend must support different page sizes, it is the responsibility of the client to send the page size. For now, the client will use 20 as page size for every operation in the feature set.

Infinite scroll behavior

When the user almost reaches the bottom of the list, and it is possible based on the last response (no response was sent, or the previous response contained a response with the requested page size), a request must be sent to the backend to retrieve the next page.

Error handling on backend

If any of the operation fails on the backend, an appropriate response is sent, so the error field is used, and the message contains the identifier of the error from the localization table.

Improvement ideas for the future

  • Support available sizes
  • Support sharing clothing articles