Morph, from Morphē, a Greek word meaning 'form', 'shape', 'beauty', 'outward appearance'.
Morph is a language used for describing the appearance of printable documents written in the mark-up language Graphe. Morph is based heavily on CSS, and many of the names of style properties are the same.
This repository contains a Python implementation of Morph.
.main {
page-size: a4;
font-height: 12pt;
h1 {
font-height: 20pt;
font-weight: bold;
} {
font-colour: red;
Get a Morph document from a string:
from morph.core import *
document = importMorphDocument(morphString)
Convert a Morph document to a string:
from morph.core import *
morphString = exportMorphDocument(document)
py -m unittest discover