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Billmate style library

A frontend styling library for using Billmate styles. It is built upon the CSS framework called Bulma and contains the icon library Font Awesome.

So basically any component or styling from Bulma documentation can be used but with a Billmate look and feel.

Usage in projects

To use this library inside other projects you can use both the SASS or CSS files. Add the package into a npm based project. Add the following to package.json:

"billmate-style-library": "git+https://<GITHUB_TOKEN><VERSION>"


To use the CSS file.

@import '~billmate-style-library/css/styles.css';

To use the minified CSS file.

@import '~billmate-style-library/css/styles.min.css';


To use the SASS file and the framework.

@import '~billmate-style-library/sass/styles.scss';

Then there is a need to override the SASS variable with the correct path.

$billmate-resource-path: '~billmate-style-library';


To being able to work and test this repo the following steps needs to be done.

npm install

For development just use the command

npm start (same as npm run css:watch)



The following commands are available for CSS and SASS.


npm run css:build

Builds the CSS files for Production.

Building minified

npm run css:build:minified

Builds the CSS files for Production as minified.

Building all

npm run css:prod

Builds all the necessary CSS files at once.


npm run css:watch

Builds the CSS and watches for changes.


npm run css:lint

Lints the CSS.


npm run css:resources

Moves and adds the correct resources for CSS/SASS to use.


The following commands are available for Styleguide. When being compiled it ends up in the folder called docs. To access it for local development the url is:



npm run styleguide:build

Builds the Styleguide files for Production.


npm run styleguide:watch

Builds the Styleguide and watches for changes.